R/P - SKYWALKER round 2


Well-Known Member
Picture 083.jpg Picture 082.jpg Picture 081.jpg Picture 080.jpg got out of work today so this is all gonna come together had these cut down buckets from previous grows & the larger tub will allow me better placement of my plants which are really starting to wake up i was concerned about substituting epom salt for cal-mag but its working out & my stuff is greening up just like it did with the cal mag probably my babies were only mag deficient im gonna get my happy frog today im excited to get this kiched off


Well-Known Member
Picture 085.jpg Picture 084.jpg man i'm on fire today got a few things done happy frog in the house, plants re-potted & the tub changed theyre resting [me too!] im gonna give them some time to acclimate then begin nutes @ 1/2 strength i know some soil mixes can be complicated but im an over-the-counter kind of guy ive used ffof & miracle grow moisture control the ocean forrest is just as good but the bag is smaller for $11.45 i did my whole grow & happy frog has given me the best quality on the finnished s/w so far ive got to raise & trim my screen to clear my fan but things are pretty well set and seem to be working out better than i planned i ended up removing the smart pots all together i dont expect any real growth untill the roots get into the soil


Well-Known Member
Picture 090.jpg Picture 089.jpg Picture 088.jpg Picture 087.jpg Picture 086.jpg did some supercropping im getting where i like a stretchy strain & this one screams to be trained skywalker is such an ugly-duckling when its young but as we've seen it transforms well when the canopy fills in & it starts budding these plants are larger than i started with last time but im gonna veg them quite large this time & then lower the screen and thread the plants through as i put it in place as i can only access the room from the doorway & cant reach 4' to adjust things in the back so all in one sitting i prune bottom growth & clone before putting down the screen here is a pic of each plant & then the 4 together the 2 front plants are ones i cloned the 2 in the rear are the ones my friend hooked me up with we will be paying closer attention to pheno#3+ as time goes on


Well-Known Member
i cut all of mine down to 12 inches and they all stand about 36 inches now.

must be sativa dominant imo, with indica flower times.


Well-Known Member
Picture 095.jpg Picture 093.jpg Picture 091.jpg hey mx i think you called that one right as its definatly a hybrid but i see a lot of indica leaves that later turn sativa along with the overall structure of the plant & on top of that in spite of some of its quirps it will produce im still figuring it out but im gonna pass my 6oz. goal & hopefully get at least 7-1/2 im at 5-1/2 now & still have 1 plant to go the overall quality is pretty good in spite of my grumblings

Ray black

Well-Known Member
Big veg time yeah man! I like the stretch a lot. You said it, she is ugly at first. I like the fact that don't have to pull her off herself or open up her canopy to give lower leaves light. She grows very well topped as well.

The one I topped had shorter undergrowth. Not smaller buds just shorter stalks with less room on them for more flowers. The one I didn't top seemed to give a lot more from the undergrowth. In fact, it didn't really have undergrowth at all. It shot up it lower stalks and they grew up like I had topped it. They looked and performed about the same
In my opinion. Kinda odd but great.

Love happy frog, so good to my babies. Thinking about maybe doing organic with an upcoming grow too.


Well-Known Member
ok done trimming ended up with 7 oz. had to scrape to get it but thats what it came out to im pretty happy with that now my goal is 8 oz. hoping a longer veg time will offsett the change from hydro to dirt im gonna be watching my friends hydro grow as he uses the same nutes that i do but he grows in rockwool & uses r/o water ive done quite a few grows in rockwool


Well-Known Member
hey ray im not real knowlegable about soil but what is the difference between ocean forrest & happy frog besides the bag size??? & i hear you on the organics i had a general organics go-box but never fully evaluated it i think im gonna start focusing more on trying to produce some of the best stuff around the thing i like about the skywalker is there is pretty much no popcorn even the dinky buds are heavy like bb's

Ray black

Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert but I have used happy frog for my seedlings and or new clones that are not yet ready for nutrient rich (hot) soils.

The Ocean Forest has more castings and guano in it which is great for a hungry and developed plant but might burn and freak out a younger one.

I typically keep them in happy frog until they are about 3-4 weeks old. Then I transplant into OF but I only fill the bottom of the container with it. I have had OF burn some of my ladies before.


Well-Known Member
ive used of before & then i tried happy frog & used my nutes in it that im currently using & everything came out good i think there is some truth to what people say about getting better flavor/ terpins in soil than what you get in hydro & im sure the strain choice has a lot to do with it hydro has the yield & soil has the quality for me i think it might be easier to make the soil yield than it is to try to get the same quality out of hydro the second bunch i trimmed is considerably better than the stuff i trimmed wet but quality wise not in the same category as my first round that i did in soil im gonna look into some of the organic nutes in the future


Well-Known Member
Picture 099.jpg Picture 098.jpg Picture 097.jpg Picture 096.jpg not much change today i imagine the roots are still in the 6'' rockwool blocks as theyre soaked in nutes & im getting some growth im seeing a lot future bud sites developing already im gonna have to root around & learn more about soil grows & try to keep this on track .... sure is nice having ray around!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey HH. I guess I never realized you had a journal, didn't see a link in your signature. Just getting back on recently
since the site was redone, trying to find my way around.

Looks like your grow finished up excellent man, some very solid looking buds and a very nice

I've always wanted to try the skywalker, everything I've ever had from RP is outstanding. Looking forward to
following along on the new grow.


Well-Known Member
Picture 101.jpg welcome aboard stoneslacker this grow was largely inspired by you & your 250w. grows ive mostly used 1000's & 600's so downsizing to the 250-400 switchable ballast was hard for me but i kept looking at what you were doing with the 250 i got scared the 250 wouldnt cover my 4 plants & switched over to 400w. have a few little things to work out but this set-up is pretty efficient & im finding my groove getting happier by the day the skywalker is really responding to the cure i was kinda dissapointed for a minute but tonight when i got home from work my house reeked of skywalker i couldnt be happier the stuff is in sealed containers & still reeking through in the next few days im putting it into the fruit jars


Well-Known Member
Picture 109.jpg Picture 107.jpg Picture 102.jpg Picture 103.jpg i guess this stuff came out way better than i thought i turned loose a few samples & people are screamin for it i kept what i need to get me through next harvest & the rest went in one day i guess im my own worst critic as i know i can do better with this strain i got my screen fitted today & ive got one plant not quite up to par i use the hooked stick to reach the back limbs & train them through the screen started feeding them mild nutes today as some of my newgrowth is a little light in color all-in-all im pretty happy

Ray black

Well-Known Member
Next run is looking great dude, I need to think about my lights and whether or not I am over doing it..

Man, the product looks enjoyable too. Super cool

Ray black

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3166496 welcome aboard stoneslacker this grow was largely inspired by you & your 250w. grows ive mostly used 1000's & 600's so downsizing to the 250-400 switchable ballast was hard for me but i kept looking at what you were doing with the 250 i got scared the 250 wouldnt cover my 4 plants & switched over to 400w. have a few little things to work out but this set-up is pretty efficient & im finding my groove getting happier by the day the skywalker is really responding to the cure i was kinda dissapointed for a minute but tonight when i got home from work my house reeked of skywalker i couldnt be happier the stuff is in sealed containers & still reeking through in the next few days im putting it into the fruit jars
Love the tub!!


Well-Known Member
Picture 113.jpg Picture 112.jpg Picture 111.jpg Picture 110.jpg hey ray hows it going? i put those containers on top of my harbor freight scale & then ''zero'' it out so i can weigh a couple oz. at a time my room is 4x3 & is under an overhang under my roof on the back porch i started out with a 400w. light from htg supply [5 years ago] ive since used a 600 & a 1000 in that room & now full circle im back to a small light i was gonna expand the room but the only direction i can go would block the only window to one of my bedrooms leading to fire escape & property insurance issues occasionly my property insurance changes & an insurance rep comes out to inspect i have a med-card but dont want property insurance issues as i own a duplex & rent the other side out so the insurance is a bit different on income property i guess so to make a long story short the room is gonna stay the same so i just downsized the light to fit the room which has simplified things larger lights trip breakers & required me to route cords to other sources now im back on one circuit & my power bill is better too the light cost around $16.00 a month to run & nutrients & that sort of stuff now that im on a 7 gal. schedule is quite reasonable a ''patient'' or 2 offsets things & im pretty efficient on pretty much a hobby level so now my attention is focusing on generating the best quality i can for this next grow i had mis-givings about the small light but thats kind of fading out funny thing is i finnished my grow with the original htg-hps cheapie bulb i started out with 5 years ago the skywalker doesnt produce large buds but rather a bunch of nugs these are my largest buds of the grow i think the better smoke comes from the nugs that are about as big as the end of your thumb the new grow is progressing pretty fast in the next week im gonna clone & flip the light as theyre getting large vegging under the t-5s helps & so does the switchable ballast the 250w. bulb im using is blue spectrum enhanced the 400w. bulb i finnish with is not its for buds & buds only more of the red - orange spectrum i think


Well-Known Member
Picture 116.jpg Picture 115.jpg Picture 114.jpg my clones have reverted back & with the exception of pheno #3+ ill clone from the stuff thats under my t-5s the bamboo stick with the hook is working out pretty good for reaching those rear plants attitude still has that kosher tangie promotion that gives you the 3 fem strawberry banana-x-sour secret seeds with the purchase of the 6-pack of kosher tangie im seriously considering doing it


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpg the canopy is filling in & things are going good this is the slowest part of the grow soon ill be cloning & gearing up for the flip i believe vegging to a good size & getting my limbs in position should help me out in the yield dept. next trip to town im gonna pick up some molassis as im back in soil im also gonna check out some of the soil grows & maybe see how everyone else is doing it as im not that experienced in soil also time to start spraying for the prevention of spidermites that havent been a problem lately but that can change real quick