Rabbit Air Odor Killer!!!


Active Member
Ok so I just purchased a RabbitAir MinusA2 SPA-780A... u can check it out at rabbitair. com... it supposedly has like 7 filters including a charcoal one. lets u choose between 1 specialized filter as well; choices are germ defense, allergy, or toxin absorber... Seems to be a pretty bad ass air filter as an addition to my apartment closet to kill odor... Its very pricy but my mom said she can claim it with insurance i guess. :bigjoint: its like 600 dollars and thats 40% off!!! anyways check it out and let me know how you guys think it will put up a fight against my odor.. also i am growing about 2-5 plants in closet... its a rather large closet big enough to move around in easily... plants are white widow as well..

P.S. which specialized filter do you guys think would be the most beneficial?

to check it out just go to that website and its like the top one the most expensive... check it out they are pretty cool you can mount them right on your wall and they fairly small too!

thanks for the input :)



Well-Known Member
an Ionizer is prob better.....and cheaper......you just put them somewhere inside the grow room on the floor...turn them on and the perfume just drifts down to the ground and stays there.... but if you have already got yourself the air filter then maybe the pet allergies filter is the 1 you want..as I imagine that is somewhat about odor control... :weed:


Active Member
did u actually read about it??? the rabbit air has activated carbon filter as well as 6 others man... its gotta be better than an ionizer


Well-Known Member
an Ionizer is prob better.....and cheaper......you just put them somewhere inside the grow room on the floor...turn them on and the perfume just drifts down to the ground and stays there.... but if you have already got yourself the air filter then maybe the pet allergies filter is the 1 you want..as I imagine that is somewhat about odor control... :weed:
...have you ever tried using an ionizer with 3 or more plants? Doesn't work out so well. Not to mention, the abundance of ions they produce are purported to be harmful for the plants.

Layered filters are by far the best choice.

so, i know this is a super old thread, but, did this Rabbit Air device do well with odor elimination? details if you've got 'em. thanks.