raccoons....dam raccoons


Active Member
ok so i put a few plants into the ground yesterday,,,i go check on them this mourning and 3 plants ahve been ripped out and the holes all dug up,,thank god 2 were replantable, and only one the roots were all ripped up, im assuming a raccoon.

now the question is how do i keep these rodents out of my holes...


Active Member
Mice, chipmonks, bunny rabbits racoons and deer. oh my. if you pis buy your plants it will keep deer away. but mice chipmonks , coons you can't stop. inless u kill them

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Put glass around your plants, or chicken wire around and on top.
Also putting beer around the plant aswell reflects animals.


Sprinkling ground Cayenne pepper / pissing within the vicinity of the plants worked wonders for me. Also did you transplant your plants into holes filled with fresh potting soil?
If you did do that, it's not wonder depending on which nutes you have within your soil. Most of the little bastards that destroy our plants are simply digging around because they smell something delicious in the soil and want some of it.
I try to let my soil set for about 3-4 weeks before transplanting, also be careful about what nutes you add to the soil later on in your plants growing cycle. Blood meal especially.


Active Member
well thnks for the info,, will have to try the cyanne pepper and mabey tie the dog out there for the nite as well,, mite scare them off ...and ya i filled holes with half soil...if all else fails i guess i will have to sit out with the shotgun..


Active Member
my dog got a racoon the other day the thing came into my fenced garden and ran off with a bag of fish emulsion ,,,dam thing never did get my bag of emulsion back watched it run off with it

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
When I plant outside I put the dirt out 2 weeks before I plant let the diggers dig in 2 weeks they are tired of digging and finding nothing then you should be safe or at least safer


Active Member
ya so far it was just the one nite they dug,, next nite i put some chilli powder and tied my dog out there for the nite and they havnt been back since..