Race Baiting in Politics?

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So I am pretty new here and I am trying to figure it out before I just stop posting in this section all together.

Is there always this much race baiting amongst the members here in the politics section? Are you all just really cool friends and call this fun or is this genuine disrespect and disregard for each other? What is the boards policy on this behavior?


Well-Known Member
So I am pretty new here and I am trying to figure it out before I just stop posting in this section all together.

Is there always this much race baiting amongst the members here in the politics section? Are you all just really cool friends and call this fun or is this genuine disrespect and disregard for each other? What is the boards policy on this behavior?
The board lets the racist bastards say what they want

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yes pointing out you are one of the biggest racists here
Will probably make you think I am racist

After all in your mind
Anti Racist = Anti white
One look at your avatar kinds gives it away. You and Buck surfing around on racist web sites and copy/pasting posts from those sites is another indication. Creating a false account on stormfront using the screen name of an RIU member just to "prove" that he is a racist is another indication. Being a continual apologist for racial violence is another indication. Trotting out the tired, failing accusation of "RACIST" to any criticism of the president is another indication.

In my mind, "anti-racist means anti-racist" and racist means racist.


Well-Known Member
So I am pretty new here and I am trying to figure it out before I just stop posting in this section all together.

Is there always this much race baiting amongst the members here in the politics section? Are you all just really cool friends and call this fun or is this genuine disrespect and disregard for each other? What is the boards policy on this behavior?
You just opened a can of worms, lol
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