Racist Biden.

I bet you said the same thing when he was against Hillary.
Apples to oranges
Trump wasted his term dividing and not building a coalition from both sides
Republicans and Democrats have had enough of the shit show and it is looking like it will be cancelled this fall
Tissues to all the cult loyalist, I'm sure you can continue to get your fix on Trump TV in 2021
President Trump, your Putin's butt buddy. It's OK, we'll give Putin visitor rights after we've lifted sanctions that Democrats will put in place for Russia's interference and attacks on our elections.

How is it going in your country? Enjoying Trump's virus? The US president affects people globally. I have no idea why you want Trump.

you are all acting smart,but dumb as brick..So anyone anti biden is pro trump??? LooL.. It's no difference between those two,differnt sides of same coin..

Thank you for asking . Very polite of you..The weather is tricky,but generally it's nice summer time . We are handling covid-19 pretty good, no lockdowns just masks in close public places.
Even night clubs are working..
I'm going 10 days on vacation. Maybe you heard of Dubrovnik? If your DDDP (dear demented democrat president ) dont start ww3 you should come and visit..Dont worry nobody will hurt you..

Biden & Hillary 2020!!
Lets make ww3 happen!!