Racist Justin Trudeau sure loves being racist


Well-Known Member
OP: Trudeau is a racist!
Me: Do you have any more proof and can you elaborate?
OP: *Leaves thread*
You guys: Lets talk about penis, vagina, and rape!
Have a good day guys.
Trudeau defined the act of wearing black face to be racist, not me. Lmao


Well-Known Member
Trudeau defined the act of wearing black face to be racist, not me. Lmao
Smoking a joint laughing my fucking ass off!

Trudeau legalized cannabis hence why so many criminals hate the Liberals, for losing their cash cows. While people who use cannabis praise him unless they are fucking morons and there are a lot of those in the Conservative party.


Well-Known Member
Trudeau defined the act of wearing black face to be racist, not me. Lmao
Do you think blackface is acceptable, check out a British tv prog that ran in the 70s called the black and white Minstrel show, and “love thy neighbor”. Get back to me once you’ve seen them


Well-Known Member

That is just spooky how unintentionally fucked up this stuff is. This is a big division tactic, race is a hard one to come at the misunderstandings that get amplified. And peoples reactions to being told they are wrong (as offensively as they have inadvertently been to the other person generally) is that 'I am caught off guard and am now going to blow up right back' defensive one.


Well-Known Member
Do you think blackface is acceptable, check out a British tv prog that ran in the 70s called the black and white Minstrel show, and “love thy neighbor”. Get back to me once you’ve seen them
Trudeau says it is never acceptable. And he did it at least 3 times. Lmao


Well-Known Member
Trudeau says it is never acceptable. And he did it at least 3 times. Lmao
Yeah it should have been told to him right off the bat that it was not right. White good looking guy, bet he got away with a lot of stupid shit back then that he shouldn't have gotten away with too.


Well-Known Member
Do you think blackface is acceptable, check out a British tv prog that ran in the 70s called the black and white Minstrel show, and “love thy neighbor”. Get back to me once you’ve seen them
I tried to watch a little of the minstrel show and found it uncomfortable, feels racist to me. Not something I care to watch. YMMV


Well-Known Member
Others dressed as Arabians also, just didn't change the skin color. Are they racist also?
It's a tough call, it is pretty close being at a themed party like that with a bunch of idiots walking around with paint on their faces, too close for me anyways, I would not stick around. It is not everyone starts busting out their tiki torches racist though.

Seems like the whole event is racist going by those standards. Actors paint their faces black to imitate a black character. They also dress as the other sex for the same reason. Jimmy Kimmel did it. Dave Chappell had a skit with a white family having the last name Niggar and used it to tell racist jokes against his own race. Maybe your leader is just an actor and a comedian, ours is. Does trump hate orange people because he paints his skin orange and acts like a lunatic on video?
That is kind of the point. It is racist, white people have just kind of woke up so late to this that it has taken a while for them to see their first example of it and be told that it is racist. They react how everyone reacts to being called a racist, and nobody talks.

So with everything Trump is doing right now, it makes more sense to throw out this racist red meat to get everyone at each others ass. Now it is just a matter of time to see which stories stick, it seems like an obstruction tactic, something Barr had in the good old file box ready to take his boy Lewandowski out of the news for a bit.

Need something that the liberals will eat up, find some racist shit on anyone we can as high up as possible to make some good noise. Then send out the Racists for Trump trolls to get people off of how I am obstructing justice with Dearborn, Lewandoski and the third guy he told to deny their subpoena.

Mix in a little Kavanaugh to get those 'there out to get me' vibe with your white male base, and Trump might make it through the next couple weeks? Is that the plan?

King Troll:

Can he pull it off?


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? Race? Do you not understand that our government made it legal to not allow black people to take advantage of their countries economic and social expansion? While all of the white families got to move out of the cities and become landowners and g...
  • You write this like there were no free blacks who owned land during him crow years.
  • As if the big problem is whites keeping blacks down when really it is blacks keeping other blacks down, need an example look at the ideals pushed by rap.
  • Want to talk about the effects of fatherlessness?
  • As if many different minority groups don't out earn whites including Somalia, Pakis, and Tamils
  • As if Italians and Chinese weren't discriminated against (we even put the Asians in internment camps ffs)
  • This is not even looking at factors such as impulse control, or is it culture.. Look at the pew reports detailing how African Americans (not all black people) are significantly more likely to spend money on status items.
  • As if the major cities where the jobs are aren't majority non-white.
The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


Well-Known Member
Or it just be that the most common thing guys do is get all worked up and shitty and force their wives to quit telling their gross asses they don't want to bang. And the wife describes what happens that she is sick of and they describe rape very clearly.
If you have ever been in a relationship you know everything is a transaction. If they had sex it's because they wanted to ie they got something out of it, the decision made sense from a values perspective.

Their statement that they were raped is based on the same idea (they get something out of it). It doesn't make it true.


Well-Known Member
You write this like there were no free blacks who owned land during him crow years.
lol you are correct, there were exceptions, that doesn't change anything about all of the black men coming home from WW2 that were not allowed to buy into White-Only neighborhoods, whose higher property values continue to build up generational wealth as suburban sprawl happened.

As if the big problem is whites keeping blacks down when really it is blacks keeping other blacks down, need an example look at the ideals pushed by rap.
What? Having shitty neighbors has nothing to do with rap? It gets hard to not troll back, but man do you actually believe this? If you are not just a troll that is.

Want to talk about the effects of fatherlessness?

As if many different minority groups don't out earn whites including Somalia, Pakis, and Tamils
In America? And also what does that have to do with anything?

As if Italians and Chinese weren't discriminated against (we even put the Asians in internment camps ffs)
Yeah racism is bad, that is the problem, institutional racism is really not good. Black people had just as much to do with the building of this nation for hundreds of years and have been governmentally withheld from having the same benefits as white families, how long did hardcore government sanctioned racism last for Italians? And as for what you said about Chinese, there is a reason why the Republicans (more so now with Trump fully taking it over) are focused on a Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only campaign. Anything not their agenda is just named socialism or whatever attack they decide to hurl.

As if the major cities where the jobs are aren't majority non-white.
Again, too vague to understand what you even mean here. Do you mean Scottsdale Arizona? Boise Idaho?

If you have ever been in a relationship you know everything is a transaction. If they had sex it's because they wanted to ie they got something out of it, the decision made sense from a values perspective.

Their statement that they were raped is based on the same idea (they get something out of it). It doesn't make it true.
Everything is transactional? I am sorry that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. You get pretty intimidated by smart strong women? Sorry about to troll back at you, but this last one is really bad, and again, if you are not just a propaganda troll and don't actually believe anything you say, I would work on that line of thought if I was you, people in your life may appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Am I wrong,but isn't politics and racism for another forum.This is about cannabis.Right?
If it didn't have a politics section the Paid Foreign Trolls would just infect the other sections. At least this way its somewhat contained. It is everywhere too man, it's not just Facebook that was haven for them.


Well-Known Member
Start a thread on that kid. This thread is titled accurate per Justin’s own definition and that creepy big ass smile of his. Don’t you agree?
The only thing that is creepy about your thread is your embrace of right wing hypocrisy.

Seriously, Trump fucks kids and you think something Trudeau did 30 years ago in bad taste is newsworthy. Actually, you don't, you just want to divert attention away from Trump's most recent crimes of treason.

Just move to Russia already. You will fit in better there.


Well-Known Member
lol you are correct, there were exceptions, that doesn't change anything about all of the black men coming home from WW2 that were not allowed to buy into White-Only neighborhoods, whose higher property values continue to build up generational wealth as suburban sprawl happened.

What? Having shitty neighbors has nothing to do with rap? It gets hard to not troll back, but man do you actually believe this? If you are not just a troll that is.


In America? And also what does that have to do with anything?

Yeah racism is bad, that is the problem, institutional racism is really not good. Black people had just as much to do with the building of this nation for hundreds of years and have been governmentally withheld from having the same benefits as white families, how long did hardcore government sanctioned racism last for Italians? And as for what you said about Chinese, there is a reason why the Republicans (more so now with Trump fully taking it over) are focused on a Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only campaign. Anything not their agenda is just named socialism or whatever attack they decide to hurl.

Again, too vague to understand what you even mean here. Do you mean Scottsdale Arizona? Boise Idaho?

Everything is transactional? I am sorry that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. You get pretty intimidated by smart strong women? Sorry about to troll back at you, but this last one is really bad, and again, if you are not just a propaganda troll and don't actually believe anything you say, I would work on that line of thought if I was you, people in your life may appreciate it.
Everything is transactional period. You work because you get benefit from it. Would you have sex with a hag for a million bux? I would. If you told me I could get another million after by claiming rape I would do that too.

Edit to say that by your logic work is rape because it's coerced.. Also by your logic people are marrying out of their class all the time (they're not, people are likely to choose a mate that has a similar iq and income), why? Because they BOTH get something out of it, not just one person. Think.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that is creepy about your thread is your embrace of right wing hypocrisy.

Seriously, Trump fucks kids and you think something Trudeau did 30 years ago in bad taste is newsworthy. Actually, you don't, you just want to divert attention away from Trump's most recent crimes of treason.

Just move to Russia already. You will fit in better there.
If zero tolerance for racists is the standard you have set, off with his head. Truth is, you have a double standard for your own liberal leaders. Shocking! Please defend Justin some more for my entertainment.