Millennials with their fairy sticks/robot dicks that haven't lived through any real prohibition are the only wankers I see embracing "legalization".
He is correct and if you Google 'Cost to produce legal pot in Canada per gram' or like that you will find links to reputable sources that will say much the same. I figure my home grown is costing around $1/g and that's all indoors with HID lamps. Power is 25¢/kwh hour at home.
The whole LP community has lost over 33 billion in the last 18 months or so and major projects worth that much more are now on hold. Like the DotCom bubble of yor those in the know got in early and made a killing on stock specutlation forcing prices astronomically high with nothing tangible to support the numbers. Not unlike the US dollar since they took it off the gold standard.
Legally recreational 4 plant growers are supposed to buy their seeds or clones from one of the LPs but their prices are too much and the few that have anything aren't selling their primo strains because they know the recipients will just rip-off the genetics just like they did from the legendary breeders that developed the strains that they bought then renamed to sell to suckers like you.
For that reason alone, should you have a shred of what's right or honour, you would spit in the faces of their ex-lawmen CEOs and happily come over to the light side.
Do you not boycott corruption as soon as you are woke? Companies that sell garbage and call it food? Or pollute our children with their toxic factory's effluents for the sake of their shareholders in a bloody orgy of corporate greed?
If not, shame on you. You are indefensible if those are your morals.
Open your mind. Educate yourself.
Read "Hempology 101" by Ted Smith. From 5000BC to today. Tho we never met in person we were great forum friends at Cannabis Culture were I was Admin for the last few years before it shut down last Jan for reasons I am not at liberty to divulge. Without a supenae I ain't saying shit!
It was all about the money and controlling the 'undesirables' both in the original cannabis prohibition and in Nixon's declaration of the 'War on Drugs'. The 'legalization' of Cannabis we now have here in Canuckistan can properly be referred to as Prohibition 2.0. The only thing that has really changed is the drug dealers/cartel some, tho few, buy their pot from.
If you want to be a Trump supporter kind of person and reject real scientific facts and confirmed history then nothing I or other more educated people can say will sway your point of view. I'm not often wrong but when I am I happily admit it and seek atonement for my ignorance.
None of us are beyond redemption and humble pie is actually not bad.
legal stuff is cleaner than most non organic grown by folks on this site due to the health canada framework. That's facts.
Yawn,moving the goal posts are we? You essentially called BS when I pointed out LP prices and I proved you wrong. Now you claim homegrown overhead costs are irrelevant? How so? It's clear as day you're an LP supporter, good for you enjoy. Don't come in here acting all pious thinking you're going to teach or preach anything we don't already know and haven't already heard. You will convince NO ONE with your clear lack of understanding on the subject of cannabis or it's industry. Read up and try again.Trump supporter? Lol. Trump supporters vote NDP? News to me.
Your homegrown costs are totally irrelevant. A large scale business has all those, plus overhead, salaries, marketing, compliance etc. Here is page 29 from Tilrays latest filing.
View attachment 4424600
I get some of what you're saying, the fuckers wanted to put tokers in jail and now they are trying to run the show. I know retired RCMP are running some LPs now, and the fucks in suits grow shit quality. But that doesnt mean every LP is playing the same card. Call out the specifics instead of saying dumb shit like its "poison," its just weed and legal stuff is cleaner than most non organic grown by folks on this site due to the health canada framework. That's facts.
This duffus has had it shown to him they spray and he ignores that fact. The stupid and the desire to "suck" run deep in this toad-a-so. Wait until 10 years from now when he sick from Lp weed..see he still likes it then.Yawn,moving the goal posts are we? You essentially called BS when I pointed out LP prices and I proved you wrong. Now you claim homegrown overhead costs are irrelevant? How so? It's clear as day you're an LP supporter, good for you enjoy. Don't come in here acting all pious thinking you're going to teach or preach anything we don't already know and haven't already heard. You will convince NO ONE with your clear lack of understanding on the subject of cannabis or it's industry. Read up and try again.
As for the poison comments, you continue to be purposefully obtuse on the matter when we made it clear ZERO, ZILCH, NADA research has been done on the combustion of irradiated cannabis.
All studies have been done on edible agricultural crops which are not combusted and inhaled. As for pesticides, I don't use them in my garden because I don't need them due to the practices I implement. If you want to inhale cannabis that pesticides have been sprayed on then irradiated, go ahead. Overpay and be disappointed. Those of us who can grow will enjoy ACTUAL medicinal cannabis while we laugh at people throwing their money away on LP garbage ditch weed while they try and convince us of how "amazing" it is. Hell it's damn near hemp
What part of 30 sprays allowed on your REC and MEDICAL HERB did you miss?I get some of what you're saying, the fuckers wanted to put tokers in jail and now they are trying to run the show. I know retired RCMP are running some LPs now, and the fucks in suits grow shit quality. But that doesnt mean every LP is playing the same card. Call out the specifics instead of saying dumb shit like its "poison," its just weed and legal stuff is cleaner than most non organic grown by folks on this site due to the health canada framework. That's facts.
Is he not a software engineer that was consulting for lp hopefuls, selling software to lp's, and heavily invested in one himself ?actually we couldn't care less about the guy...he is learning ...sure he fucks up a lot...but we dont mind showing him the error in his ways..
still doesn't help much...
whats yer beef? The guy sure aint helpin LP's any![]()
Yawn,moving the goal posts are we? You essentially called BS when I pointed out LP prices and I proved you wrong. Now you claim homegrown overhead costs are irrelevant? How so? It's clear as day you're an LP supporter, good for you enjoy. Don't come in here acting all pious thinking you're going to teach or preach anything we don't already know and haven't already heard. You will convince NO ONE with your clear lack of understanding on the subject of cannabis or it's industry. Read up and try again.
As for the poison comments, you continue to be purposefully obtuse on the matter when we made it clear ZERO, ZILCH, NADA research has been done on the combustion of irradiated cannabis.
All studies have been done on edible agricultural crops which are not combusted and inhaled. As for pesticides, I don't use them in my garden because I don't need them due to the practices I implement. If you want to inhale cannabis that pesticides have been sprayed on then irradiated, go ahead. Overpay and be disappointed. Those of us who can grow will enjoy ACTUAL medicinal cannabis while we laugh at people throwing their money away on LP garbage ditch weed while they try and convince us of how "amazing" it is. Hell it's damn near hemp
no... but he oh so wanted to be.. lolIs he not a software engineer that was consulting for lp hopefuls, selling software to lp's, and heavily invested in one himself ?
all while lying, shilling, and running, possible, multiple socks
sure seems like the definition of a corporate fraud
YA CANT IRRADIATE SHIT YA SMOKE..IT KILLS ITThere you go again spewing nonsense again, studies on combustion of irradiated cannabis? WTF that's the dumbest thing I've read today. Let me make it clear to you, irradiation of cannabis, like fruits and vegetables just kills live microbiological contamination. It's not rocket science and you cant get rid of mycotoxins from mold via radiation. Really straightforward, boomer.
My place of employment, grow for 62 cents a gram... and i do not believe we have hit the ceiling in output/cost yetCost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc? Feel free to cite your source on that. Invest in weed nah just calling you guys out on unscientific bs such as "cannabis being medicine" or irradiated agriculture being poisonous.
Feel free to look up the health canada list of approved pesticides. LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.
Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.