Well-Known Member
You mean like Dear Leader clearing out peaceful lawful protestors with federal troops to stage a photo op, causing a backlash that continues to today?You know nothing of my standards really. I asked OP a question and wanted his opinion, perhaps I will get it eh?
I would settle for yours as well instead of others you might agree with but I wont watch your video to fish for it.
So in your opinion, did your state drink the kool aid? Are you in Oregon by chance? I think they ranked really well in how they handled things by the numbers iirc.
After he tried to rally protests and it didn't work all that well outside of some cult members and potential domestic terrorists with guns?

All this protests are on Trump's stoking racial tensions since he became president.

It is interesting you seem to be ok with Trump's lying and stopping things like the postal service from sending every American 5 masks, but seem really worked up that a writer didn't report Trump for lying.First off thanks for your opinion. I mean like as soon as he found out he just hands that snippet of the tape off to the media to try and save as many lives as possible. If Trump was lying about downplaying c19 the Woodward still is the noble hero.
Save all the rest for the book profits except that little tidbit that could have saved all those murders?