Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

A friend of mines apartment was raided for selling weed at the very beginning of May and he has still not officially been charged.

My friend was selling probably around 2 pounds of headies a week. He got busted after a kid who he sold ounces to got busted selling in a dorm building and ratted him out to get himself off. About half a dozen narcotics officers busted in his door with a battering ram and guns pulled. They handcuffed everyone that was in his apartment. In total they found 4 ounces of weed and probably around $2,000 and like 25 pieces of glass totally over $4,000 (no weapons or any other drugs). Everyone that did not live in the apartment was let go after being searched.

They questioned my friend in his apartment after everyone else had been let go. They tried to convince him to rat out a larger dealer and he told them he would consider it and complied to some questioning but not all. After about 3 or 4 hours they let him go without ever taking him down the station. The next day he got a lawyer and decided he would not rat anyone out.

Since then it has been almost 6 months and he has not talked to the cops in easily 4 months and his lawyer in over 2 months. He is still living in the same apartment and has the same phone number so the cops can easily get in touch with him however they have not contacted him at all or sworn out a warrant for his arrest or even officially charged him.

Does anyone know of anything like this ever happening?

Any idea what he should do? (the cops at one point told him he needed to come to the station and get charged but this was months ago and my friend has been kind of avoiding it...)

Should he continue waiting for the cops to make him come in or should he turn himself in?

Would it be evading arrest if he left the state since he has still not officially been charged?

Any comments or help welcome


Well-Known Member
i would have him check with a trusted cop (i know its an oxymoron) to check him out for any sort of charge or warrant. if a cop can't find shit on you (and no cop will arrest you on the spot if the warrant is for less than 5-10 grand) then fuck it. maybe contact the lawyer again to triple check. if nothing, the cops are either done with him or are investigating him/ his associates.
i would have him check with a trusted cop (i know its an oxymoron) to check him out for any sort of charge or warrant. if a cop can't find shit on you (and no cop will arrest you on the spot if the warrant is for less than 5-10 grand) then fuck it. maybe contact the lawyer again to triple check. if nothing, the cops are either done with him or are investigating him/ his associates.
I mean he is completely out of the game now and they have more than enough on him to have him charged and convicted already.

As for checking out his associates how much do you think they would check out people who were at the raid but had nothing on them?


Well-Known Member
have him check out if there's a statute of limitations in his area. if so, and the time elapses, he's in the clear. if not, get to know someone who works in insurance or a bank, and have them run a background check on you, if anything turns up, you'll know....
have him check out if there's a statute of limitations in his area. if so, and the time elapses, he's in the clear. if not, get to know someone who works in insurance or a bank, and have them run a background check on you, if anything turns up, you'll know....
There is not statue of limitation because its a felony and there is no statues on any felonies in my state (already checked that one lol)

As for the background check it would work except we would have to see the full report cause he has other charges. He has been convicted of simple possession twice already and recently reckless endangerment while driving (very long story)

However the reckless driving happened about 2 months ago and I was sitting in the bondsman's (like i said its a long story so he ended up in jail) office while he looked up my friends record and he read it off and there was nothing about his drug dealing charges or a warrant for his arrest.

So as of two months ago nothing had been done by the cops for sure but now we still wonder...


Active Member
Get his Lawyer to check for an arrest warrant on him.

He didn't sell any to a cop or they see him sell to anyone did they? Doesn't seem like they got much on him if a bunch of people were there hanging out when they came...4 ozs and some cash could easily be divided up between you all and put everyone under the limit.( i'm assuming your state is decriminalized), or at least an arguement could be made. Here, you can have 2 1/2 ozs and its just a minimal fine.


Active Member
Thank god this thread hasn't been butchered to crap already....

They will be back, trust me on that..usually just a detective and a person from the raid with arrest warrant by the state. Mine was issued 4 days before they came and got me, so let him wait it out..

I was raided in Feb (the 12th to be specific) they didn't come back until July (12th to be specific) which was 5 months. Went to court 3 times fighting this case...My specifics on the case were a bit different, can elaborate later..Anyway spent September in County.
As for my charges, 1 felony cultivation; differed to misdemeanor cult. Sentenced 48 hours community service, $4,000 fines, 3 years probation..Differed: 30 days in jail for year off probation and fines reduced to 1,000.


Active Member
And they are still watchin him and whoever he may have dealt with. They seize his cell? His money?


Well-Known Member
I mean he is completely out of the game now and they have more than enough on him to have him charged and convicted already.

As for checking out his associates how much do you think they would check out people who were at the raid but had nothing on them?
investigations of the other people there is an obvious occurence (if there is an investigation at all). but once they look into the other friends, they'll obviously forget about the people who are small time/not connected to any criminal networks.

I do agree with Fureelz, that shit happens. but i've read in many pro-medical publications that raids (esp. of dispensaries) rarely carry many charges for the owners; almost never for the employees of dispensaries.

so, try asking the State/DA if its ok to leave the country through your lawyer (if you can leave the country you are 99% in the clear, and can obviously go interstate). hope this helps
Get his Lawyer to check for an arrest warrant on him.

He didn't sell any to a cop or they see him sell to anyone did they? Doesn't seem like they got much on him if a bunch of people were there hanging out when they came...4 ozs and some cash could easily be divided up between you all and put everyone under the limit.( i'm assuming your state is decriminalized), or at least an arguement could be made. Here, you can have 2 1/2 ozs and its just a minimal fine.
They definitely have him on dealing because the way they caught him was a kid he was selling to got busted and narced on him. Besides just narcing on him though this kid actually went to my friends house with money from the narcotics department and bought 1/2 oz and then took it to the cops. (we know this cause it said so in the warrant... which I might add is real dumb cause it only took us about an hour to figure out who ratted on him with all this information...) So while he never actually sold to a cop its close enough


Well-Known Member
There is not statue of limitation because its a felony and there is no statues on any felonies in my state (already checked that one lol)

As for the background check it would work except we would have to see the full report cause he has other charges. He has been convicted of simple possession twice already and recently reckless endangerment while driving (very long story)

However the reckless driving happened about 2 months ago and I was sitting in the bondsman's (like i said its a long story so he ended up in jail) office while he looked up my friends record and he read it off and there was nothing about his drug dealing charges or a warrant for his arrest.

So as of two months ago nothing had been done by the cops for sure but now we still wonder...

the cops either keep the money and didnt report shit or he snitched and is just saying this story to cover?
Thank god this thread hasn't been butchered to crap already....

They will be back, trust me on that..usually just a detective and a person from the raid with arrest warrant by the state. Mine was issued 4 days before they came and got me, so let him wait it out..

I was raided in Feb (the 12th to be specific) they didn't come back until July (12th to be specific) which was 5 months. Went to court 3 times fighting this case...My specifics on the case were a bit different, can elaborate later..Anyway spent September in County.
As for my charges, 1 felony cultivation; differed to misdemeanor cult. Sentenced 48 hours community service, $4,000 fines, 3 years probation..Differed: 30 days in jail for year off probation and fines reduced to 1,000.
I was kind of figuring they would most likely be back but we do live in a small town that happens to have ALOT of drugs. so a quarter pound of weed really is next to nothing (I can find that for you in half a dozen different places on any given day and the town population is only maybe 25,000 if that gives you any idea) And when the cops even raided the place and knew he was a weed dealer (it even said so in the warrent) the first thing they asked is if there was any acid in the house because my town has tons of hallucinogens in it so we are kind of still hoping they will have bigger things to deal with...

And yes they confiscated his cell phone and all of his cash (even the $10 he had separate from all his drug money and was in his wallet) They had his cell phone for over a week and most certainally put a wire tap on it because after he got it back every time he made a call his call log would have a duplicate call in it that was 0 seconds long. However he has gotten a new phone since then (but it is still on the same number) I am sure the tap isnt on it anymore though because they definitely put a physical tap in his phone seeing as how they had it for over a week in their possession before being willing to return it.
the cops either keep the money and didnt report shit or he snitched and is just saying this story to cover?
I mean I know exactly what he said to the cops. He did give them enough information to make them think he would be willing to snitch (and for a while he really did consider it) but I know he didn't. I have known this kid for about 7 years now and if he said he didn't narc then he didn't narc. and I know his suppliers (the only 2 people he could have ratted on to get off) and nothing has happened to them since the raid.

Also his supplier told him (long before this happened) so long as he never narcs if anything happens to him then he would help pay his lawyer fees and as of right now that is who is paying them so id have to say he didn't narc


Well-Known Member
a. they r waitin fer him to fuck up (leed em sumwhere, pivk up again, ect.)

b. the warrant or anythang eles hasnt gone throo yet (they DO take time sum times...xcpt with me its RIGHT AWAY! of course)

c. they might hav got wat they wanted, but they could remember him at any time, and bring it up.

its a felony theyll probally b bak. they dont just drop felonies. i ve been prayin they would fer YEARS!!! haha but they dont.
a. they r waitin fer him to fuck up (leed em sumwhere, pivk up again, ect.)

b. the warrant or anythang eles hasnt gone throo yet (they DO take time sum times...xcpt with me its RIGHT AWAY! of course)

c. they might hav got wat they wanted, but they could remember him at any time, and bring it up.

its a felony theyll probally b bak. they dont just drop felonies. i ve been prayin they would fer YEARS!!! haha but they dont.
Yea I mean I kind of figured he isn't going to get lucky enough for them to just drop it and forget about him but one can always hope and it just seems ridiculous that you can get raided and not even be charged for it 6 months late. He has been charged, convicted, and dealt with his sentence of a completely different possession charge already in this amount of time.
Maybe he is an informant now???? narcing???

If so, he is not going to tell you.
Okay once again no.

This kid has been my best friend since freshman year of highschool and he would never be an informant. Besides how well I know to tell me this we also have the fact that no one he sold to or bought from has been busted since this happened and this kid know enough people to bring down over half of our towns weed business if not more. If he was narcing on people I would know the people he had turned in and he definitely has not turned anyone in.


Active Member
The drug task force tried to get me to flip on people as well....thats what they do. Made me sign papers and everything, nothing ever came of it and I never gave any incriminating evidence.....AND then I got my house broken into and all of my equipment was stolen...I filed a police report and showed them my medical license, nothing ever came of that case..2 weeks later they came and got me on the warrant...