RAIDERMANS BIuemoonshine grow


Well-Known Member
yea theyre gettin there, be glad wen these get done, got plenty of clones to keep this one around a little while.


Well-Known Member
the BM are 15 days flowering and taking off ,these seem to have gotten a bit taller than my last few grows with them ,but the stem color and all the other characteristics are the same,clones are doing well.


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
did you top any of those? if so, at what week do you top? I was thinking of topping my new grow plants, but don't know what to do. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hey raiderman,

Super nice grow! Thanks for doing a journal on your efforts. Is the blue moonshine the same strain as you discussed in MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.? I would love to try a strain that strong where some people were saying it made em trip. :-P

+rep for sharing your experience with us!

i never got this mch weed off any other its the BB cross with kush .its for the conisie. smoker ony . most pp. i know coudnt smoke it . said it made em trip. i never cood get pass 2 hits .i been smookin 32 yrs.DP strains are consistent, short and very stoky



Well-Known Member
give everything a haircut from the bottom,long branches and dying veg on the bottom.its starting to show its stuff ,the clones look good to ,



Well-Known Member
hopefully here soon ,tgis is day 19 of flowering and they are transitioning, wen day 28 gets here it will take off, the colors come in in the 6th week.


Well-Known Member
. . . . give everything a haircut from the bottom, long branches and dying veg on the bottom
I like to do that to. Get rid of those yellow dying leaves.

Makes the pictures look much better too. hehehe

Nice looking production. Always a pleasure to follow your journal :hump:

good growing to ya raiderman

yellowsnakes bongsmilie


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
raiderman, where youge that blue moonshine? iam order that shit. can i get it from attitude. i know you mentioned it earlier, but you know, lazy ass stoner, lol. thanks for the hook. i cut a few buds off one of my plants i cut earlier. drying and curing it now. lookinglike some good smoke. Q? does the smoke get bette the longer you et the plant live? the only reason i cut is because the got tis shit locked down like a ma-fucker. can't get reg. figure i got 2 more weeks before i can cut teh first plant. a couple others look like they will need longer. the bag i got was 2 different kinds and one is the different and it is much larger. can't wait. and how much does it lose wen it dries?




Well-Known Member
sorry been out of it for the last two days, been christmas shoppin stuff outta the way . bot a new Nikon D60 camera and tryin to figure it all out before i can take attitude started seelin them fiminized .i have 20 well rooted clones goin of it.


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
who makes the shine'? what brand?

Nikon is awesome, I have one, but don't remember which D it is. I got it 3 years ago, whichever that one is. awesome camera!