RAIDERMANS Bluemoonshine,Querkle,Purple Wreck(all purple grow)


Well-Known Member
In veg? What do you look for?
if you veg say 3 weex you can determine sex in about a week .from seedling about two weeex same yield if you veg it out a while then flower as start from seedling , but from seedling flower days shouldnt be counted till sex is obvious ,the go for large central bud ,,not all those branches a popcorn buds and haf decent central cole. keep it pruned and prune no more after 3weex into flower,,leave it alone ,,a few small branches maybe unavoidable ..but the plant is working on the central cola and its an amazing accomplishment,look at a few of mine and size,, . most of my grows are 75 to 90 days. the males are usally the first to show,,, you can also determine sex if you see wat the hair shoots out of before hairs evn show,,males as you probably already know are like a small tiny egg shape sak that begins clusters over a period of time ..but the female will have that skinny spear shape chute that it comes out of.R.



New Member
Oh, you meant weeks from turning it to flower! My bad. No experience in setting seedlings or short veg to 12/12. Got two systems set up. Grow it, clone it, original grow to flower while the clones grow up ( usually 6-8 weeks), repeat. Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows!


Well-Known Member
Oh, you meant weeks from turning it to flower! My bad. No experience in setting seedlings or short veg to 12/12. Got two systems set up. Grow it, clone it, original grow to flower while the clones grow up ( usually 6-8 weeks), repeat. Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows!
not gettin off track on the the=read but these DP blueberry [plants are smokin at 31 days flower,more purple weed it looks like,lol.and the 15 bluecheese got mmy room so sweet.i love big buddah feminized,,very stable.50.00 for ten perfect beans.. i'm buyin two more to sit on,,strong ass weed off last grow,.. also i am sitting on 2 pax of flying dutchman blueberry skunk seeds,still have 17 Bluemoonshine hermie seeds,, i was told that the possibilty of them being perfect feminized seeds were good.i'm gonna use them by thierselves soon.


New Member
At some point you may have more seed then they got! I've got the PW, some Grape purp fem (grapefruit and purple kush) and some Purple Skunk along with the single blue hash and WW fems.


Well-Known Member
At some point you may have more seed then they got! I've got the PW, some Grape purp fem (grapefruit and purple kush) and some Purple Skunk along with the single blue hash and WW fems.
i'm not knocking reser va privada but these seeds are kinda old honestly. i can tell by the slow light brown look as thier coming up instead of fas green chutes,know wat i mean... i think these are lrft overs from some where,,but fear not,i'm breeding lol ,,so i'll make good use of wat i get ..3out of 6 germed in 4 days ,,, meaning the others arent.. 7 more went into the ground 2 days ago will report the count in two days,i use a seedling nute and always get 100% germ rate,, these be old.the bluemoonshine seeds are big and brown black specals ,,real healthy..gonna stick two in the ground f**** it,lol.


New Member
Wonder if my seeds are old? Either way I got enough to start things and I'll take it from there. Does the weather outside affect germination. What's it been like in your area? Tried to plant some tomatoes in wet soil this year ( no choice it rained for weeks and weeks) and lost some to root rot.

OK just check my PW ( got 14 instead of 13) and they are stripped and larger than my Grape Purps and the freebees. We'll just have to see won't we! I use the papertowel method for germ( soak seeds until they drop to the bottom) with a little superthrive in the soaking water with 100% success so far. I do hydro with the Stealth Hydro bubbleponics. Seeds crack, into rockwool, into the system lights out until I see something on top,lights on, full speed ahead. What seedling nutes do you use? What's your general opinion of hydro?


Well-Known Member
sounds good,, i use olivias seed and cloning nute,,,,the temps here are 95 to 105 everyday .air conditioners are in each growroom installed to keep temps 75 to luk on the germination,, hope all yours germ.. i stick mine in jiffy mix soil qurter inch deep.i dont germ in nuthin,,jus stickem in the soil which is better,seeing your not handling them after thier in.wat the pros a couple lengthy grow books on indoor growing before i bot a light 10 yrs ago..


New Member
Oh, you meant weeks from turning it to flower! My bad. No experience in setting seedlings or short veg to 12/12. Got two systems set up. Grow it, clone it, original grow to flower while the clones grow up ( usually 6-8 weeks), repeat. Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows!
Cloning a clone then cloning that clone etc decreses potency and causes depression in them doesn't it? I could be wrong but it doesn't sound like it can be good. I'd keep a mom


Well-Known Member
i like doing seeds mysef, thats wy i'm pollinating 5 strains this grow.clones seem to have to much immediate branching for me,seems like i get lesser than seeds,,i've done some qarter pound buds and had cuttings from that same plant and it jus didnt add up enuf for me.maybe i'm doing something wrong ,i dont know..any way trying to get enuff cash up to get a couple pacs of that grape krush.yummy.


New Member
I can't tell if your are right or not. Not that experienced yet. I'll probably be doing seed from here on out since I have a good selection to choose from. I was just looking over at hempdepot since I seem to be on a seed buying spree. I want a happy energetic high and the Pandora Box from TGA looks sweet. Have any experience with TGA seeds? Subcool has quite a reputation.


Well-Known Member
my current grow has some tga seeds. great service, flawless delivery. all good so far. I recommend them. :peace:
I can't tell if your are right or not. Not that experienced yet. I'll probably be doing seed from here on out since I have a good selection to choose from. I was just looking over at hempdepot since I seem to be on a seed buying spree. I want a happy energetic high and the Pandora Box from TGA looks sweet. Have any experience with TGA seeds? Subcool has quite a reputation.


New Member
Well that's good to hear. Never done an international money order. Probably better than CC anyway if that ever matters.


Well-Known Member
my current grow has some tga seeds. great service, flawless delivery. all good so far. I recommend them. :peace:
hell i'm always ona buying spree, but wen thier shitty seeds kinda maxe me take a break,lol.,,,,update.. the ones in 5" containers are querkle and bluemoonshine .. the purple wrecks are still growing in the seedling tray,,, and jus to make things sweeter ,i germed my personal feminized bluemoonshine seeds ..look how healthy those seeds look. 2 days theyll break ground.... that to the right is Blueberry and three other strains ,thier in 30 days flower.funny thing about the BB is thier slow till around 5th week boom, unstppable.,but they have ya going for a wile that you screwed somethin up,lolol...... the other growroom is all bluecheese.gotta love that cheese.. i may not know as much as i'd like,, but i know how to turn 2 fas pounds in 75 days, and you can do th e math after that,lol,,hell i'm jus havin fun.:leaf:R.



Well-Known Member
u da man RM. purple blue ..and many colours inbetween and all around .... hahahaha! Walk On!~