Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
thx BigWorm,I do agree ,out of 5 -3 gal pots on the gorilla grape regs got 1 girl,that knocked 4 pots out,i'm not runnin a scrubber rite now so I thot this be good enuff for now.2 plants were kinda mutated growth lookin for some reason and ditched those,thats 6 in 3 gal pots I had to remove..the stadium around the outside plants workin out great..


Well-Known Member
Sorry i got chatty weed and a over active mind.
Here is a growers tip i have always wanted to give out because i think it is cool.
Here ill try a paragraph even.:-P.You know how you get resin stuck all over your hands and you cant get it off..then smell like dank for a day or so even though you have washed up good and the shit still wont come completely off..
Well what you do is by a bottle of crisco or other cooking oil.Probably have it under your kitchen sink.When you finish trimming you soak your hands or effected areas with crisco.Do not WET your hands first.Then rub it in and it will cut the resin loose from you.Then you wash the oil off with dawn dish washing liquid and there you like a charm.
always feel free to share what you me ,when I get stoned I'm chatty to which is all the time except when I'm getting some puss,lol.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
awhile back i picked up a pack of Big Buddha's Chiesel. i thought i like cheese and diesel so why not. i grew 1 out and i loved it. if i kept mothers, this would have been one.

i grew another out the next year was was ok but nothing special.

i grew a 3rd and at first i thought i may have a winner with the colors. but smelled and tasted like burnt rubber or tires. i figured maybe i messed up the dry and cure. so i tried a clone and it was the same nasty ass crap, i wouldn't let my dog smoke. now i love my dog and if she smoked, it would be her choice, top shelf for my baby.



Well-Known Member
awhile back i picked up a pack of Big Buddha's Chiesel. i thought i like cheese and diesel so why not. i grew 1 out and i loved it. if i kept mothers, this would have been one.

i grew another out the next year was was ok but nothing special.

i grew a 3rd and at first i thought i may have a winner with the colors. but smelled and tasted like burnt rubber or tires. i figured maybe i messed up the dry and cure. so i tried a clone and it was the same nasty ass crap, i wouldn't let my dog smoke. now i love my dog and if she smoked, it would be her choice, top shelf for my baby.

shes a keeper no doubt,looks like sonomas lavender strain.doesnt big buddah carry this one?


Well-Known Member
I'm considering pollenating a quarter of the plant,i'd like to run a solid gorilla grape grow next round if all goes well here.the male looks great, clusters of pods forming.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yeah that is big buddhas chiesel

Big Buddha Chiesel is a combination of 2 of the best marijuana flavors from Cheese and Diesel developed by the Big Buddha whose breeding experts used a NYC Diesel male from the legendry Soma for a distinctive hint of that grapefruit taste to the ever popular cup winning Big Buddha Cheese.


Well-Known Member
you cant go wrong with big buddah ,I ran their bluecheese when it came out in 2006,topped all the plants, a sea of bluecheese..very indica .

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you cant go wrong with big buddah ,I ran their bluecheese when it came out in 2006,topped all the plants, a sea of bluecheese..very indica .

i first did a couple of barney's farm bluecheese and loved it.

i did a couple of big buddhas bluecheese and was a better yield and very close on flavor to barney's

i also did a couple of big buddhas cheesus. i didn't like the taste of either and 1 would spit nanners around week 7.

i still have a few more beans of each to try again. the main reason i do a variety of strains is because it's all about taste to me. everything i do will do the trick but if i don't like the taste then forget it. i give it away, make hash or it gets tossed out.

wish i could keep mothers, maybe someday.


Well-Known Member
its all about flavor here as well first when I pick out a strain..GG comes out once maybe twice a yr and usually 50 pacs total at ea hasn't been available though for the last 2 yrs. btw.


Well-Known Member
Definitely love tasty buds....that's why i'm back on the hunt again. Having a rough go of it in the bloom room atm. SOGx60's Kush-2 males, Sour Kush-male, and what I though were headband S1's are looks like 2/3 Cheesequake x(Kushberry x Jillybean) are females though. They should be good, and my GrapeGod, OSD, and NYPD should be done in the next three weeks or so...I hope!lol vegging we have clones of all those plus I just started another OG#18, OG, Blueberry Headband, Dog Kush, "resin dripper"....things should turn around soon. ATB!


Well-Known Member
Wake and bake.:bigjoint:I tried barneys farm and had good luck with what little i have run of theirs..their LSD was fire.I didnt like how she grew though and took to long to finish.
Bummer to have a pretty plant like her and taste like burned tires?Wow..I still have some seeds i grew a long time ago..THseeds heavy duty fruity.Tasted just like coca cola.Would straight screw with your head but looked like complete dog shit.
I had some what was called blue dream around here from a local grower.It looked great in the bag.Had no smell or potency no taste either..wouldnt even get me started to get high.Looked great though.


Well-Known Member
Sup everyone, plants are looking super nice guys.

I got a question, and know there's a few TGA faithful in here. I'm a get stoned and play video games type guy, I'm looking at Ace of Spades Qrazy Train or Chernobyl. What would you guys recommend?

I'm going to try and get in on that Sensi Promo on the 10th and get a couple Jack Herer seeds, see if I want to drop $300 on a 10 pack lol.

I gotta get some of that Gorilla Grape :) Shit sounds bomb as fuck :) I'm running OG Grape Krypt right now, not really any grapeyness but the smokes bomb.


Well-Known Member
Sup everyone, plants are looking super nice guys.

I got a question, and know there's a few TGA faithful in here. I'm a get stoned and play video games type guy, I'm looking at Ace of Spades Qrazy Train or Chernobyl. What would you guys recommend?

I'm going to try and get in on that Sensi Promo on the 10th and get a couple Jack Herer seeds, see if I want to drop $300 on a 10 pack lol.

I gotta get some of that Gorilla Grape :) Shit sounds bomb as fuck :) I'm running OG Grape Krypt right now, not really any grapeyness but the smokes bomb.
thx Mr. Head,appreciate the good words my friend,i'm sure these guys can help you.


Well-Known Member
Wake and bake.:bigjoint:I tried barneys farm and had good luck with what little i have run of theirs..their LSD was fire.I didnt like how she grew though and took to long to finish.
Bummer to have a pretty plant like her and taste like burned tires?Wow..I still have some seeds i grew a long time ago..THseeds heavy duty fruity.Tasted just like coca cola.Would straight screw with your head but looked like complete dog shit.
I had some what was called blue dream around here from a local grower.It looked great in the bag.Had no smell or potency no taste either..wouldnt even get me started to get high.Looked great though.
I have a bb that full of color and smell but taste harsh.