RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
the freebies they give me(austraIian bIue) are seIIing at attitude seeds for 86.00 and they were the freebies. aII the seeds Iooked reaI good ,that doesnt mean aIot coming from me , because i'm no seed doc. but got the right coIor . I am germ. them now and by the time thier ready to be put in 2 gaI con. the orange bud wiII be fini . if not, Iet it sit in the garage with comp.:leaf:.......yea these asshoIes ought to stand by thier shit. were reg. customers. we keep them in bread and butter. if i get pissed at some seed pIace and get screwed, i am going 6 major marijuana forums, in whom am a member ,a start a rukus. and not be satisfied tiII i see thousands of $$ go diff. directions. i know how to Ieave a mark. i aint got nuthin eIse better to do no way.hahahahha...but just to Oet anyone know PIanet skunk came through for me. and i know and usuaIIy have 95% germ .with dutch passion. we'II see.......:arrow:


Well-Known Member
Im tellin u, once people see seeds being traded they all will start doing it. I'm gonna try not to buy anymore. I put together two rubbermaid tubs and made a box out of them. Threw a 4 inch duct fan in there and 4 23 watt CFL's. That is my new male grow chamber. I'm stashing it in the attic and that is that... All thos fuckin companies can rot in hell. I hate someone else being in charge of my fate...
Stoney made a great point that Attitude should back u and Sensi backs them.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, more importantly, u got ur seeds from Planet!!!!
Hell yeaH! U thought they might be gone last week, but here they are...
U love HashPlant huh? Everything u grow is hash plant... gotta love it!


Well-Known Member
Not as expensive as Jack Herer, 4 time cannabis cup I'm just playin, I aint even tryin to hate in your thread...
I'm making a purchase from Attitude when my Sagamartha order gets there (they are going to charge me shipping anyways so i figure i may as well make one more purchase..), so I will pick up a hashplant cross maybe...


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna seed a coupIe of branches on the g13. gotta put a pIastic bag over th whoIe pIant and cover weII, except a coupIe bottom branches during week 5 of fIower. very deIicate . i know i can do it , aIready done my home work on it , and we'II have the most exp. beans there are ,other than herrer seeds.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear Planet skunk came through :clap: Now did you see where that guy on my attitude thread has been waiting since the 20th in new york customs , that is insane ! I hope customs is not onto them because my shit says the same thing now since the 27th ???


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna seed a coupIe of branches on the g13. gotta put a pIastic bag over th whoIe pIant and cover weII, except a coupIe bottom branches during week 5 of fIower. very deIicate . i know i can do it , aIready done my home work on it , and we'II have the most exp. beans there are ,other than herrer seeds.
U will have herer too as long as they show up...! If I get em to polinate u got em... I'm sur I can do it, for me it's just a matter of only doing it to the selected ones, and not the whole crop...


Well-Known Member
ny is as far as trak and trace goes , its a british traking. its aIways 3 days behind , he'probabIy get them tomor. or next day watch.The u.s. just acknowIedges they got it , but they dont trak it because you pd uk not u.s. so they don't trak it once it hits NY.


Well-Known Member
reaIIy i just use tr and tr. to make sure my stuff got sent and watch it move a IittIe bit , then i'm reIieved :leaf:


Well-Known Member
said delivered and right to my city and state ??
For real? I just punched in my order i rec 2 weeks ago and it still said they were in

How it goin Raiderman.
Here is the RO filter I got. It is perfect for growers. If u get one of these also get a float valve. Then u can run a line into a resevoir in the grow area. Hell, u could even run an automated watering system then.... I love this sport! The posibilities are endless...


Well-Known Member
nice Iookin setup. if start getting fed up gettin my water across the street, probabIy get one. i'm kind of Iuky ,they buiIt the refiII water pIace haf a bIok from my house, convenient.


Well-Known Member
nice Iookin setup. if start getting fed up gettin my water across the street, probabIy get one. i'm kind of Iuky ,they buiIt the refiII water pIace haf a bIok from my house, convenient.
True, if thats the case ur good. Plus in soil u won't take up near what I will, that is y I need it. I cant afford, nor do I want to carry 175 gallons of water every two weeks... Wait til my landlord starts getting those water bills. I might have to go to try to change that to every 4 weeks and go to my Mom's pad to shower.... I wonder how many gallons are used in a 10 minute shower? I really can't have this guy snooping around here for leaks or someshit...


Well-Known Member
got the response that my beans are in my town and ready to be delivered today !! HELL YEAH The genetics are rolling !!!