rain next 5 days do i pull em ????


kiss-assok hey all and thanks in advance
i think these plants are not ready they very well could use more time but here is my problem for the next five days its goign to rain so they say.
do i pull them or let em go in the rain and risk bud rot and mold ??

also on another note one plant has tons of red hair dry crispy lookin almost an indication of being ready is that correct?? also have not noticed the nugs plumping up anymore but have noticed dramatic crysatl production so again they prob could go longer but is the risk worth it

and finally would pics help?? i have some but they are not the greatest


Well-Known Member
The weather people seem to be wrong more often these days.
One of those jobs where you get paid well to guess, and even when you're not even close, you get paid and keep your job.
This time of the year it's always a crap shoot. If it's really not ready, leave it, IMO.


thanks for the quick replies
just figured out how to +rep so ill be throwing some both your guys way
and mr fishy you seem to have lots of experience what are some good ways to really make sure they are indeed ready and dont say microscope
thanks men


Active Member
People tend to freak over rain, but imo rain is Ok. Plants get wet, but they also dry. It depends more on the overall conditions. Is it humid, dry, windy, etc. A day or two of rain will most likely not cause problems in and of itself. However, prolonged rainy conditions with high humidity could spell trouble.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick replies
just figured out how to +rep so ill be throwing some both your guys way
and mr fishy you seem to have lots of experience what are some good ways to really make sure they are indeed ready and dont say microscope
thanks men
Well, If you know the strain well, you can eyeball it, but the dreaded look with a scope of some sort ensures the better result. You don't HAVE to wait for amber trichs, cloudy'll do, but those who wait never regret having done so, or at least they don't tend to post here.

Ya know, what it boils down to is what you think, and what you're looking for in a buzz.
Almost everybody has jumped the gun once. I certainly have.
At this point, I'm just growing a strain I cloned about 3 years ago and thus, know when it's ripe.

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
man you must be in Ohio!!!!! i am having the same damn problems and its scaring me!!! dont want mold, i keep going out and shakein the water off!!! lol


Well-Known Member
i would leave it, it sounds like you live somewhere with a short growing season so a couple more days can make all the difference.


try and support plants ahead of time water adds lots of weight i just had one night of rain and was picking my plants up the next morning. but they do love the rain water!!
I've shaken the shit outta mine...
But today...MOLD!!!

SO, I trimmed and chopped all signs of cancerous buds and dried what I could salvage from the affected tops. My BEST COLA had to come down....

I left the plants out there. I put a small oscillating fan under them to dry them up...working great!

Now, I'm gonna inspect EVERY TOP- EVERY DAY!

We've had rainy days coupled with NO SUN this past week...WATCH FOR THIS COMBO!!!

Is there any way I could've prevented this???
THanx RIU!
i had the most beautiful plants last year and just about harvest time a four day rain came. i was waiting for a light frost could have been devastating. lost a lot probably affected the taste. i trimmed alot.


Active Member
So what is the best way to harvest when your plants are wet or its been raining?
Wuts the best way to get them from Field to Drying room?
And im guessing a fan in the drying room would be the best bet?


Well-Known Member
So what is the best way to harvest when your plants are wet or its been raining?
Wuts the best way to get them from Field to Drying room?
And im guessing a fan in the drying room would be the best bet?
I chopped one down yesterday cuz she was the only one of her kind and she was ready right now...I took samples from many different parts of the plant and looked at em under the scope and it varied from 30% all the way up to 75% amber colored....here is the kicker tho....we had rain in the morning so I shook em off and let em dry for a few hours and on my way back to chop it started raining pretty good....so to drop some water weight.....I as quickly as I could, cut all the bigger fan leaves I could safely quickly get; sectioned her down, threw her in the bag and under the rain poncho she went back to my lab:mrgreen: I then cut all the medium sized fan leaves, hung them to dry for like 2 hours then pulled em back of the lines and did the fine tuning. it worked out great; now I'm drying them at 74 degrees with 34% humidity...two 4 inch fans and two exhaust pipes hooked up to two stanley blowers drawing the air up into the attic and out....cuz this shit reeeeeeeeeks lol but thats normal for the good stuffbongsmilie