rain water vs regular tap

rain water vs regular tap water

  • rain water

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • tap water

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


ok i want to hear some pros and cons for both and which you think is better. and this is just rain water vs regular tap water.
(not : well water,bottle water, filtered water, w/e).
any other info on the two would be cool too. like if there are ways to make tap water better, like letting it sit out so the chlorine will evaporate and shit like that. or if there is something i have to do to filter the rain water, or w/e.


Well-Known Member
Personally i think rain water if left unfiltered could contain bacteria or other pathogens.
If i were going to use rain water i would propably use something like a germicidal UVC lamp before i used it on my plants.


JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
rain water is just fine, It has a natural PH of 6.3 and is pretty much filtered as it comes down, expecialy if you start catching it after its been raining for about 30 minutes, seeing as the earlier rain would catch all the crap thats in the air. As long as your container and all is clean i would doubt any harm would come from this. seeing also as every plant on earth usualy survives on rain water alone i think that should be answer enough. Tap water has tons of chemicals and if your house has old copper or lead pipes then thats not even good to drink yourself let alone give the erb your smokin.


Well-Known Member
If I had to make the choice, Rain water.

But I don't; I buy Distilled water. easier; no messing with PH levels (I don't even check them anymore..)

But, yah.... rain water over Tap water.. (Where I live; tap water tastes ok... But Kills my plants)


Active Member
Rain water. It's free, and other than collecting it, nothing needs to be done to it in order to use it... Unlike tap water.

Sure, tap water has the MAJOR advantage of being more readily available, but the question posted was which one is better (obviously provided both are available).

But since rain water isn't always available, I choose to use RO water. ;)


i have no problem geting rain water, it rains all the time. so if suply is the only reason to choose tap count that out right now.