raise soil PH


Active Member
I bought a ph meter (Rapitester) and my soil is acidic. My ph is at 4. I also purchased organic garden lime (Epsoma) to neutralize the soil. it has a scale based on 100sq feet.

I added nutes too early and lowered the PH

4.5 to 5.0 ------ 5 lbs
5.0 to 5.5 ------- 4 lbs
5.5 to 6 --------- 2 lbs
6.0 to 6.5 ------- 1 lbs
6.6 & higher ---- 0 lbs

How much should i mix into my 16-inch pots? or how can I raise the ph?


Well-Known Member
I'd say you are on the right track mixing the lime .... just mix it in a large container with your soil .... get it to the right PH level then fill your pot (s)

Good luck and happy growing :D