Rams horn leaves in DWC week 2-3 of veg


Well-Known Member
I've tried the tea, side by side to a batch running Zone. They worked about the same for me, no rot and happy plants. Zone is a nice clean way to go though, crystal clear rez.
I read somewhere that the lower the EC of a nute solution the more oxygen it can hold, so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I seem to be going back and forth on sterile or beneficial. I do run BC nutes however that are organic or "hydro organic" meaning that the nutrients have already been processed and ready for uptake. But stimulators like liquid karma... I just think it would be hard to keep things running sooothly with a sterile set up. My rez is anything but crystal clear that is for sure. More like crystal brown. LOL


Active Member
What strain are your plants? I am growing purple kush in DWC and week one my ppm was 800, week 2 950, and week three 1050, no burn whatsoever. Unless you have a sensitive strain I really don't think it is nute burn.


Well-Known Member
white widow big bud and ak47 what else could it be? You mention that you don't THINK its nute burn but you didn't offer any ideas in terms of what the issue could be. Everyone I talked to say over feeding.


wow dude, you have ALLOT to learn about water chemistry, microbes, root slime, etc. WHY on earth would I want to lower DO levels and promote a better environment for anaerobic bacteria and fungus if I am adding aerobic bacteria?
let me get this straight...........

you have the issue, yet HE has "ALLOT to learn"? lmfao

he did give you the right answer, btw.


Active Member
does noone ever get round to giving an answer on these fucking things before the start shouting shit at each other ffs