rand paul gets an ally!


Well-Known Member

and it is phil jensen from south dakota!

he describes himself as a "reagan conservative" and "free market economy" advocate, just like other members of this forum.

and he wants to make it legal for businesses to deny service to blacks, just like rend pawl and other members of this forum.


“It’s a bill that protects the constitutional right to free association, the right to free speech and private property rights,” Jensen said of SB128. “A bill that would have ensured the freedom of businesses to choose their clientele.”

totally not racist though, right?


let the defense of this human shitstain begin.


Well-Known Member
"freedom of businesses to choose their clientele"
translation - no women, niggers, spics, kykes or fags cause its what Reagan would of wanted.
oh c'mon!

no business would EVER do that! but they still need the freedom to do just that! because they would never do it!

in other news, umbrella sales in the atacama desert are way, way up!


Well-Known Member
I would love to not to have to serve KKK members, Al Qaeda members, Child Rapists, Wife Beaters, Baby Killers, Big Money Oil Company executives, KONY and many others. Unfortunately the US government forces me to serve these people. By using BUCKY logic, serving these people is exactly the same as supporting the things they do.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I think RP might be a little more attractive to me if he went by Randy. Randy for President. Gotta nice ring to it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
oh c'mon!

no business would EVER do that! but they still need the freedom to do just that! because they would never do it!

in other news, umbrella sales in the atacama desert are way, way up!

If people are free, how do they express their freedom ? By only making choices that concern their property and their body, while respecting the choices others make about the things that they own.

How do you disrespect freedom ? You use force to make others use themselves or their justly acquired property in ways they wouldn't ordinarily. So acts that enforce prohibitions on a person peacefully using their property or their body are acts that initiate aggression....right?

Of course you could do what you do and exempt a coercive government when it initiates aggression against other people or their property. Why do you exempt your government from responsibility when it dictates how others will use their body? Are you a prohibitionist?


Well-Known Member
If people are free, how do they express their freedom ? By only making choices that concern their property and their body, while respecting the choices others make about the things that they own.

How do you disrespect freedom ? You use force to make others use themselves or their justly acquired property in ways they wouldn't ordinarily. So acts that enforce prohibitions on a person peacefully using their property or their body are acts that initiate aggression....right?

Of course you could do what you do and exempt a coercive government when it initiates aggression against other people or their property. Why do you exempt your government from responsibility when it dictates how others will use their body? Are you a prohibitionist?
jesus christ RR, what a broken record..you MUST be single.


Well-Known Member
"freedom of businesses to choose their clientele"
translation - no women, niggers, spics, kykes or fags cause its what Reagan would of wanted.
in other words..white old men wish to sell to other white old men..except for when they "deem" others worthy ie; low revenue flow:wink:

how patriotic..how red, white and blue!


Well-Known Member
in other words..white old men wish to sell to other white old men..except for when they "deem" others worthy ie; low revenue flow:wink:
I would love to not to have to serve KKK members, Al Qaeda members, Child Rapists, Wife Beaters, Baby Killers, Big Money Oil Company executives, KONY and many others. Unfortunately the US government forces me to serve these people. By using BUCKY logic, serving these people is exactly the same as supporting the things they do.
Jesusfuck your new sig is lol.


Well-Known Member
I would love to not to have to serve KKK members, Al Qaeda members, Child Rapists, Wife Beaters, Baby Killers, Big Money Oil Company executives, KONY and many others. Unfortunately the US government forces me to serve these people. By using BUCKY logic, serving these people is exactly the same as supporting the things they do.
don't forget hippocratic oath..you can't pick and choose.

what's really funny is most businessmen these days are scrounging for more business..they come to riu and tell tales..tall tales of choosing who we do business with..wrong!..as long as clients money is green and spends? don't let 'em fool ya:wink:


Well-Known Member
You use force to make others use themselves or their justly acquired property in ways they wouldn't ordinarily.
so we have to force you to serve black people?

you wouldn't ordinarily serve black people?

that property you occupy which was stolen via genocide of the native americans was justly acquired?

So acts that enforce prohibitions on a person peacefully using their property or their body are acts that initiate aggression....right?
you yourself just said the other day that less competition and higher prices and barriers to entry cause harm.

so when you bar blacks from entering and reduce the competitors they can choose from and raise the prices they must pay are you really using your property peacefully, or are you causing harm?

just give the fuck up, you are looking like david duke now. the kinder, gentler face of white supremacy is still the face of white supremacy.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
jesus christ RR, what a broken record..you MUST be single.
You think RR is a broken record? In this thread screaming "racists want to associate with who they want to associate with, the racists."? RR is repetitive in this thread?

I just want to be sure I understand you. You are stating that RR is a broken record in a thread, started by the resident propagandist, denigrating the US constitution and the first amendment, is that correct?

Your denial would be repetitive, so don't bother.


Well-Known Member
You think RR is a broken record? In this thread screaming "racists want to associate with who they want to associate with, the racists."? RR is repetitive in this thread?

I just want to be sure I understand you. You are stating that RR is a broken record in a thread, started by the resident propagandist, denigrating the US constitution and the first amendment, is that correct?

Your denial would be repetitive, so don't bother.
so you agree with phil jensen and think that allowing businesses to deny service to blacks is totally not racist?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
so you agree with phil jensen and think that allowing businesses to deny service to blacks is totally not racist?
I didn't follow the link but the quote you posted says nothing about blacks, browns, yellows, pinks, or any color at all. Please post a link to Mr. Jensen saying that he wants deny service to blacks.


Well-Known Member
I didn't follow the link but the quote you posted says nothing about blacks, browns, yellows, pinks, or any color at all. Please post a link to Mr. Jensen saying that he wants deny service to blacks.
I would suggest following the link. It answers the question for you

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I would suggest following the link. It answers the question for you
Thanks for the suggestion, LF. The article did indeed answer my question.

Since Goebbels refuses to produce the smoking gun to justify his public lynching of Mr. Jensen, I followed the link. Here is a quote from Mr. Jensen:

In an interview with the Rapid City Journal, Phil Jensen stood by those beliefs, saying, “If someone was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and they were running a little bakery for instance, the majority of us would find it detestable that they refuse to serve Blacks, and guess what? In a matter of weeks or so that business would shut down because no one is going to patronize them.”

One more noteworthy point: Rand Paul was not even mentioned in the article, thus making our resident propagandist look like RIU's version of Baghdad Bob.
