Random Fuckery

haha yeah.....i know it was a little childish.....but he did get knocked the fuck out.....of this forum haha.......i told FDD earlier on another thread he should have my avatar though...it fits him better...haha.....
Im not gonna lie, I hid behind the scenes... but I wanted to be the person that videotaped it....hahahah.
Dubbuh I forgot to give you props for squashing that 6isafraidof7 shit. I thought it was good shit when you changed the av to Ali, too.

ha yeah i did feel stupid afterwards though...... cause it is childish to fight on the internet...... but i did know were that dude's gym was it's only like 20 mins from my place....... and i woulda really met him up there
ha yeah i defiently was gonna have someone videotape it if he did actually go.....im sure alot of people on here woulda enjoyed it.......
LMAO i just seen the tags to this thread...... you need to add.........

Monkey's........Ashy Larry......

lmao.....if you never seen that Chapelle episode you won't know what i'm talkin about......
LMAO i just seen the tags to this thread...... you need to add.........

Monkey's........Ashy Larry......

lmao.....if you never seen that Chapelle episode you won't know what i'm talkin about......
So did I....sublime...forget the B I told you about earlier... you get mad props from me def!

Im still laughing...
Cuz we were talkin bout makin this thread and I told him it would be "B" and that stood for Boring...

But oh was I wrong...

Thanks Sublime!
well on the news right now they say they got new News on Natalie Holoway, the girl missing in Aruba....they said police put a warrant out for that white kid again.....there saying some reporter has a hidden video of the kid.....and says its proof she was murdered or somthin....its breaking news i guess...... CNN on Nancy Grace
they just said the hidden video shows that dutch white kid admiting he was there when she died...and helped dispose of her body...they have'nt released the tape yet but the authorities have seen it....and so has her mother and she confirms it.......
well on the news right now they say they got new News on Natalie Holoway, the girl missing in Aruba....they said police put a warrant out for that white kid again.....there saying some reporter has a hidden video of the kid.....and says its proof she was murdered or somthin....its breaking news i guess...... CNN on Nancy Grace
Aww boo...dont kill my good buzz... watch my vid...we can talk about the news tomorrow when they might actually have the vid.
Wow I just scared shit out of some lady on the way to 7-11. It was hilarious. I was running across the street and looking down the street, and I didn't realize I was running right at her. She screamed and ran off. I laughed for like 10 minutes.
Aww boo...dont kill my good buzz... watch my vid...we can talk about the news tomorrow when they might actually have the vid.

alright sorry we'll talk about it later.........

you know my career choice though....... this shit interests me.....

what video?