Random string of spider web?? also- black pellets?


OK, some of u guys are great i read a lot of posts i have 2 questions. Every day or 2, at the top of my 2 plants, i find a stray spider web string, stringing to a few colas's on each plant i check and check and even pulls some buds almost apart and have found no spider, i remove the strands of web each time. i am outdoors and this is my first grow and everythng is going very well it seems!

Second question is i randomly find these black balls or pellets on a fan leaf or budd leaf, wth are they? what is dropping them, i only see them, very rarely but wut is leaving them?

Thank u in advance for answers.

P.s. i really do not want to spray m buds with anything i am kinda scared too, 1 week left or so in flowering.


Active Member
Sounds like spider mites. Check the underside of the leaves on your plant.
There are a few options you can spray late in flower. Mighty wash is one that I have used.
I also used the No pest strip and it worked well (layer of dead mites on pvc pipe), though not sure you'd wanna use that outdoors nor this late in flowering


Active Member
Caterpillars leave black pellets...have u noticed any damage to your leaves or browning in any buds


ok, i spent the last 2 hours looking and i pulled some bud off the plants, no spiders at all but, i did find somethng that scared me. I noticed one bud, had unusually orange hairs, looked wrong, clipped it off and there were wut u guys call "bud worms" inside, 3 of em. i clipped 3 nearby branches, took em inside and went to town under a bright light looking for more couldn't find anymore. Here is my question, it has been raining here for last 4 days and looks like the next five it will still be raining :/ it really sucks. i was hoping for some nice dry very cool air to finish the plants up. i will post a pic in 5min. I would appretiate advice on this. Should i chop?? because i tell ya, the high humidity and literally CONSTANT drizzle for 4 days has scared me and 5 more to come its just my luck. This is my first grow and been working it since may ( 2 plants). I have never had bugs but i herd the spider mites and worms love warm wet weather and i can't belive that the end of sept we getting 77-80 degree's with all day with drizzle for 9 days straight wut a bummer. some new pics in 5min


@ dante thank you dante, i have wondered wut the black pellets could be, only like 1 pellet here and there mabey 2-3 per plant not much. the worms DEF looked like miniture catapillars, grey in color. pulled 8 other buds apart and havent found any. just that one bud looked wrong and had em.


Active Member
They can be a huge problem so keep looking for them because eggs can hatch up to 2 weeks after they have been laid..and they will also leave the bud as it's drying when u harvest