Randomized by TSA


Well-Known Member
So I haven't flown for a few weeks and I'm headed out to the other side of east bumblefuck Nevada. I goes to the airport and in the security line there is a screen that you have to touch now to decide which security line to go in. It's called the TSA Randomizer. There is like the TSA coat of arms in the background of the screen..... seems Orwellian as fuck lol. bleat bleat, this sheep went through the line. So I figured I was in for a cavity search cause it sent me to the line nobody was in.... but they told me I didn't have to take anything out of my bags and I breezed right through... with my e-pen and wax and suckers and Peanut Budda Budha bar... oops I forgot I ate that on the way to the airport. Weird start to my day and I'm headed for the middle of the desert... maybe I'll see some aliens or somethin.


Well-Known Member
Nice you got lucky! You know you can opt out of those TSA searches. they arent mandatory at all. id recommend everyone do.


Well-Known Member
Nice you got lucky! You know you can opt out of those TSA searches. they arent mandatory at all. id recommend everyone do.
Yeah you can opt out of the search and not take your flight I suppose, but as far as I've seen, and I fly at least twice a month typically, if you object to any part of the rigamarole, you get to go to the naughty area... which probably don't mean shit, but would cost more time. I try to minimize my time being subjected to the hordes of humanity in the airport.... *shudders*

Truly, I don't think the TSA gives a shit about whether you have mmj anymore... Things are changing :-)