Randy's FAQ's for New Growers


Well-Known Member
These are the quesitions I seem to answer all the time.

Q - Carbon filter

A- https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/89078-diy-carbon-filter.html

https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90893-ultimate-odour-control-thread.html and mine is one


Q - FoxFarm Stuff?

A - http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/soilfeed.pdf


Q - Pot size for my plant.

A - https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/154927-my-planting-tip-16oz-cups.html


Q - What is my air handling system?

A - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/167842-air-handling-4x4x8-430watt-flower.html


Q - Veg area

A - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/176444-mother-vegging-clone-attachment-70-a.html


Q - Clones?

A - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/83765-my-first-clone.html look at post #8 and watch the videos (5 min each).


A - https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/175263-how-clone-your-plant.html


Q - 12/12 from seed?

A - https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/151253-12-12-seed-harvest-1-a.html


A - https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/152124-can-i-grow-pound-dope.html


A - https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/175581-12-12-seed-club-show.html






Harvest stuff



Hash https://www.rollitup.org/members/randyrocket-52692-albums-making-hash.html


Q - Is this male or female?

A - This may help.



and this post said it all https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/144847-male-female-pics.html#post1825055 By Roseman

I may add more later.


Well-Known Member
QUESTION I get a lot on 12/12 feedings

So at what day would you suggest using the grow big? Do you stop using it when you start the tiger bloom? My plants look like runts compared to yours at day nine. I have yet to use any nutes. I was always told to wait for the second week but after looking at yours I know to follow your advice.

Day 1
mix as follows:

1 gallon water
10ml to 15ml Grow Big

every water


day 14ish
mix as follows:

do the above water

then every other time do this mix:

1 gallon water
15ml Grow Big
1/2 tsp Open Sesame

(this will force flowers to show sooner)


the day sex shows or a few days early at day 21 start the first FoxFarm mix

1 gallon of water
10ml of Tiger Bloom
10 ml of Big Bloom
1/2 tsp of Open Sesame

then evey other tim h2o only


2 week later switch to

1 gallon water
10ml Grow Big
10ml Tiger Bloom
15ml Big Bloom
1/2 tsp of Beastie Bloomz (some grower use this for Open Sesame) I don't know what happens if you do.

Give this ever other time

then h2o only the off water.


Then in two weeks

switch the nute mix to the following:

1 gallon water
10ml Tiger Bloom
15ml Big Bloom
1/2 tsp of Cha Ching

Give this ever other time

then h2o only the off water.


after two more weeks just h2o untill harvest in 1 - 2 weeks

note opptional: apple juice or some other stuff like clearX can be used the last few days as a flush to get rid of any last nutes.

also at this time the leaves will yellow and fall off. Just like the trees in tour yard at fall.


Well-Known Member
A t-12 set up is cheap and works.

I have this set up I use from time to time.

They can grow into it for a few hours to a day they stay cool.

My set up is (4) 24" T-12's 20 watts each at 6500k it's a light blanket.

I also have some 2600ish k's (don't use but may add to my hps room for some side lights).
These thing may be old school but you can not f--- it up.



Well-Known Member
what up randy, GREAT JOURNALS man!!!! ++Rep to ya! you taught me a lot! Anyway, what do u think about using two 4' 8 bulb each HO T5 fluorecsent 3000k warm red bulb systems for entire flowering cycle??? (@ 5000 lumens ea bulb, using 16 blubs total, that would equal out to 80,000 lumens, which is also equivilent to a 600HPS, (80,000-90,000 lumens) I also wanna get six 4' single strip HO T5's, (warm red also) and lay those on the floor parallel to the plants in each row for additional side & underneath lighting..this will add an additional 30,000 lumens for a total of 110,000 lumens!!! [[i know, i know, @ 54 watts a bulb x 22 bulbs = 1,188 watts...which is more than a 1000HPS, effiency wise the 1000Hps would be smarter choice and get more lumens, (140,000) but remember HEAT & FLIR is what i am trying to avoid right now!!!!]] which is the main reason for using this type set-up...I am trying to have the lowest radiant heat emmiting in my grow tent, (56" x 56" x 78.75") growing 20-25 autos in 3 gallon bags that will be in my garage! (btw i live in hot ass S. Fla. the summer is approaching) and yes, i know HPS is better, and I know how to cool the lights, ect, ect, but security is #1 priority where I am currently livin, and i want to go with a 600HPS or 1000HPS but to cool the light, run ducting, ect is too much for now, plus I will still be using garage to park a car, and i dont want anybody to see ducting all over the place....:roll:


Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest.

this is the plants my seeds for DonkeyDick came from (Seed Crop).

the mail DonkeyDick



Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest.

she was 42.8 grams dry weight.

this one vegged to 18" then flowered

106.7 grams dry


Well-Known Member
This picture was late in the day on day 68 of a 12/12 from seed.

Day 69
This pictue is with the flash on. The plant in the light is the one on the left. I thought they had stopped growing?

The next picture shows just how different these two strain can be. You can also see the intake hose (more on that later in post).

Day 72
this picture look just like day 71

Day 77

Day 78

Day 80

Day 84 the last 2

Plants #'s:

Strain = Strawberry Jam
1-01 23.0g
1-02 23.2g
1-03 26.5g
1-04 28.3g
1-05 7.2g finish and smoked :roll: bongsmilie
1-06 27.2g

Strain = DonkeyDick
3-01 42.8g
3-02 23.1g
3-03 35.3g
3-04 36.6g
3-05 28.6g
3-06 26.8g
3-07 21.3g
3-08 42.1g
3-09 6.9g

taste samples of 2.3g

totol this grow with 15 plants = 401.2g about 14.3 oz not bad

26.75g per plant just under 1 oz.


Well-Known Member
all witin those cups and small pots?? Amazing, thought if u use small pots/cups through-out they would get rootbound...but a oz per, dry is brilliant! guess it has someting to do with 12/12 from seed or rooted clone???


Well-Known Member
You need to stop with all these uber helpful posts! Better hope you dont live in GA, USA or I may just hunt you down and put you to work in my closet. Not that way. You just seem to be THE grow expert. =D