

New Member
not really. like 10k people.
but one high school.
so unless you got kicked out you go to the same school with everyone else.
and like the groups couple off within their groups so they get kind of incestuous.

How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.


Well-Known Member
Our starbucks closed down last week :(

funniest pick up line ever:
"do you wash your jeans with windex? cuz i can see myself in them" :D

i dont think i reacted how they would have liked though
laughed and walked away :P


New Member
Oh. Sweetie, You have your whole life to find someone that accepts you. Be patient and it will happen.

Plus....... Be cautious on a site that 18 and ^


Well-Known Member
Point is, I don't want someone to ask me to change when theyre supposed to love me for who i am.

And that person that i am, is a pothead.


New Member
Point is, I don't want someone to ask me to change when theyre supposed to love me for who i am.

And that person that i am, is a pothead.

You are young and should know this from an older woman, Never let a guy change you! You are you and thats that. Now if something is hurting you or people around you and you need some intervention, take the advice of others. But the overall thought is be true to yourself and you can't change the stripes on a zebra.... or something like that. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You are young and should know this from an older woman, Never let a guy change you! You are you and thats that. Now if something is hurting you or people around you and you need some intervention, take the advice of others. But the overall thought is be true to yourself and you can't change the stripes on a zebra.... or something like that. bongsmilie

no truer words have been spoken


Well-Known Member
I wish I was older.
Most people think I'm older. But then when they realize I'm not as old as they think, it's like their whole opinion changes...