Rant from an aspiring looser...


Well-Known Member
I sometimes get really mad at my parents because of the stuff they did to me, but then I realized that the bitterness growing inside me was hurting me more than what they actually did to me.
I wear leather shoose.
I often loose my keys
Once, I shot a goose.
Got it in the Neez.
So, i cannot spell,
I am not a looser.
At least i do not pretend,
cuz then I would be a pooser.
L.S.R. 10/22/2012


Ursus marijanus
it must be a trap.

what do the sprinkles spell in braille?:bigjoint:
The first one is clearly the picture of a clown with an enormous erection surrounded by preschoolers. You really really should not post such filthy degenerate pictures. cn


Well-Known Member
Wow, 23.......
I guess you have seen, done, and know it all by now,
But here is some good reading for you, and if you don't like Mom's rules or ranting, grow up and move out.merriam-webster-dictionary_zps4c721ed2.jpg