Rap haters and rap thread haters thread


Active Member
Rap music on the radio is about selling crack, guns, women, etc. and here's a newsflash, colour doesnt matter anymore. Poor people get pretty sick of hearing about how much money some other guy has. That kind of shit is hated by the true hip hop community.

Hip Hop is about a struggle for equality and justice, and is an international culture worthy of respect for the social ills it has highlighted.

Some of you guys shouldnt talk about what you dont know.

dimension 2350

New Member
I said that... rap is a mirror of the black community,..... and its not a healthy reflection.
Same can be said for rock and country. Rock usually has hard drugs involved most of the time and some of the greatest rock musicians have died due to drugs. Country singers are usually alcoholics or you can even look at Johny cash(I hate him) he did heroin,booze,beat his family&his family dog.


Well-Known Member
Rap literaly makes me want to punch people in the face. It reminds me to check my wallet, and hold my girlfriends hand. I don't know why.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I stand by the post.... rap is not something to aspire to. It's not uplifting music at all.
Rap music is a mirror of a destroyed black community...... hopefully it's just a phase and the next generation of black musicians will reach greater heights of musical complexity and spirit.

Rap music is a mirror..... the reflection is not a healthy one.
you are right and wrong

nope you got it backwards
rap reflects culture
it's not causative
it's a release
and it should be respected for what it is
even if you don't like it,
like I don't
you are right '
but what i hate is how people look at rap as all one style
theres diff. types of rap
everyone is right and wrong about rap


New Member
I stand by the post.... rap is not something to aspire to. It's not uplifting music at all.
Rap music is a mirror of a destroyed black community...... hopefully it's just a phase and the next generation of black musicians will reach greater heights of musical complexity and spirit.

Rap music is a mirror..... the reflection is not a healthy one.
rap music never destroyed any community and is an inspiration to many young people and up coming artists as a good thing(positive).
i will never stop but only grow bigger it all began in the 70,s (40 years ago) and is now bigger than ever and will never go away as famous rappers are making millions from album sales and there are many new artists with new albums waiting to make it and its never proved to have destroyed anything.
the reflection is shining bright all over the world.



New Member
I never said rap destroyed communities.... rap is a REFLECTION of the destroyed communities.
i get you now cj and one of the best things to come from the destroyed communities was rap music it was an inspiration to many to change their ways and an inspiration to better things.
rap artists are only singing poetry of past times.

R rhythm
A and
P poetry.
