you have had ample opportunity to express your dislike for yessica in a form that wasnt blatant misogyny.
you havent done it once
Again, you assume too much.
You've already stated that you only know her and are basing your entire opinion of her from this thread alone. Your assumptions are limited. Your argument is baseless.
Please learn the definition of misogyny. Nevermind, let me help you out with that.
Misogyny: Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against WOMEN.
I have never, not once stated I disliked or hated Yessica. I have never had contempt for her as it pertains specifically to showing her itty bitty titties to RIU members. Nor do I have an ingrained prejudice towards all women. Please note the distinction between the word women and woman. Women is the pluralization of the word woman. I find it sad youre not bright enough to make the distinction yourself.
I have called her a whore because of her past actions. I have contempt for people [not women] that play the victim role all while playing the antagonist role. Again, I find it sad you're not bright enough to pick that up.
And finally, I will reiterate, again, the distinction between the word women and woman. You have no other proof that I interact with other women in the same mean spirited way, so your assumptions of me of inaccurate, baseless and stereotypical. In this case madam, you are no worse than me, as you characterize it.
Try harder.