Nightmare... RD doesn't choose where people get there test done at. Why are you ALWAYS so negative.
Can we get back on track please.
Redman420... maybe next time you can try some RD.. THe males differences are posted somewhere.
I checked out Iron labs and looked at all the numbers. I'm not being negative, I just take everything with a grain of salt. These are the numbers I found from Ironlabs and I now believe they are legit. The picture they posted is still funny as hell though!
Venom OG 22.34%
Scott's OG 19.37%
Docs OG 24.28%
Moonshine Haze 23.77 %
Scott's OG 23.35 %
Scotts OG 22.76 %
You need to take those numbers you're always so worried about with a grain of salt.
I do. Numbers give you a ball park figure. It's still better than , "Yo dawg! Check this shit is loud!"
They are listed on their websiteCan Ya list the dominant Indica/Sativa Ratio?
Might be a dumb question but is this the male testing like that?speaking of #'s RM3 lab
Breckenridge Organic Therapy
Rare Darkness #1
Sample Date: 2/4/13 Testing Date: 2/6/13
Item Notes: None.
sample CC920
Total THC Content:
% by weight
Total CBD Content:
% by weight
Total THC CBD CBD-A(1) Total CBD CBN
to THC(2)
0.6% 19.9%
20.6% 0.0% 0.6% 0.6% 0.0% 6.5% 3.0%
Cannabinoid Mix(3)
97.1% 2.9% 0.0%
(1) THC-A and CBD-A are the “inactive”, acidic forms of the THC and CBD molecules, which convert to THC and CBD given time and/or
heat. THC-A and CBD-A counts are adjusted to account for the greater weight of the acidic molecules.
(2) This shows the amount of initial THC-A converted to THC by the time of testing. At harvest, this number is near zero. For well-cured
plant material, this figure generally ranges from 5% to 20%. For edibles and tinctures, this number should be over 85%.
(3) This shows the relative levels of the measured cannabinoids in the sample. For example, some patients report “CBD-type” effects
when CBD comprises more than around 10% of the cannabinoid mix.
Cannabinoid Mix(3)
The Biochemistry
What is this world comin to where you cant even rest easy knowin someone is tryin to pull some mission impossible shit to try and steal your clones. Need to start makin examples of these crazy mofos.I grew it in soil, untopped just to see what was up. Had 3 fantastic females.
Long story short, clones were stolen. Wasn't able to do hydro run.
The rest of the pack is being ran by a fellow riu grower. And I will be running
the keeper from that in hydro for sure. Can't wait.
when you find it lets us know
humility is not a bad character trait . . .
Who asked you to hold their hand? Asking for grows and info is holding someone's hand? Whos asking you to teach them how to grow? Your ego feeds directly off Moonshine/RD, without them who are you? Really? You shouldn't even have an inflated ego, you're not RD, you help rep them and sell their beans. Your whole quoted post is jibber jabber filler material that's not even about what we were discussing. Later.