Rare dankness/rd genetics

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Well-Known Member
thats good lets keep it real and make shure we aint the ones fucking up im all about a good seed bank, and like cloneville and pogresive options i know they have good cuts too thier on thc farmer talking shit as if they didnt know about forbid mights are easy and they cry because they are amatures.. but the cuts are lagit and so is thier prossess.. i to am a dick i blamed them for a plush berry and they dont even have that its a hole other crew.. but lets be real and try to see if its not our falt that the stuff herms becuase of our neglect.. swerve to he got killer genetics but the trend just killing him socialy i think its bullshit lets make shure the shit works on our half right before we start thowing shoes at anyone.. thier is alot of haters out thier lets be real..


i breed better shit than Rd and there a mainstream company that's sad dude. People thought I came in with some bs when I said there seeds are bunk. But all there batches are bad thats what happens when you hire people in spain to breed for you instead of doing the work yourself.Rare dankness is not gonna provide refunds for any purchase either. If there seeds wouldn't have been premature then this commerce city woulda been 4 feet tall in a month and sits at under a foot in a month. Fucking waste of 40$
Then start a seed company! Their gear has gotta be at least okay..Seein as how they're putting out 25+% thc bud and winning cups. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I just might start a seedbank! How can i get bodhi wholesale...
I've never tried bodhi you can get wholesale from alot of companys in Amsterdam and Spain, but keep in mind if your getting let's say 500 northern light seeds for 500 euros it won't be top notch it will be some outdoor stuff you'd have to perfect. I was gonna buy a bulk load for my land but it'd figure it'd try my cross out first.


Well-Known Member
I like that top picture. Do you know what pheno it is? Rd og pheno? Afghan pheno? I have 2 myself that are going finally still can't take cutting but was wondering if anybody has actually achieved that purple in it yet
I like that top picture. Do you know what pheno it is? Rd og pheno? Afghan pheno? I have 2 myself that are going finally still can't take cutting but was wondering if anybody has actually achieved that purple in it yet
Tell you the truth it's too early for me to tell. Maybe the mrs. Can answer that when she has time to get around to it. I'm still waiting on a reply back from her.

Mrs. Rare Dankness

Active Member
Sticky760 . I believe you were told WEEKS ago to contact customer service with an email and a copy of your receipt. And that your issue would be resolved. You have failed to do so.


Well-Known Member
Here I didn't want to show everybody what you told me exactly but...
Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Rare Dankness
No refunds. please forward your info to info@raredankness.comand David can take it from there .First he will have to check and see if that site received that strain. He will get that info from the distributor.

So for you to say that now makes you look like an ass. You told me no refunds so why would I waste my time to call David and tell him about the issue if nothing will come of it? Does that make sense to anybody?


Well-Known Member
I learned this lesson a long time ago. Refund is different from replacement. They will replace your beans.

Magic Mountain does not give refunds! They do however give you tickets (which you sell at the entrance to people for $$$) :P


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean no disrespect at first I just didn't want people to get bad batchs like I said in the private message I love your genetics that's why I bought the seeds and you disrespect me the customer by saying I can't get an exchange or refunds of seeds purchased for your company's mistake?!?!?! That's crazy.


Well-Known Member
She never said anything about a exchange when I asked her. I asked for a refund or exchange of seeds and she said that to me.

Lol that's funny shit, hey at least there getting some money back right?


Well-Known Member
Miscommunication happens all the time! Sounds like she wants to work with you now so move forward and get some killer RD gear! Make sure you post pictures :)

Scott's OG #1 Killer Pheno - Smells like chocolate coffee skunk in veg!

Nov 23rd:




Well-Known Member
Miscommunication happens all the time! Sounds like she wants to work with you now so move forward and get some killer RD gear! Make sure you post pictures :)

Scott's OG #1 Killer Pheno - Smells like chocolate coffee skunk in veg!

Nov 23rd:


Yeah hopefully we shall see what happens I was kind of a dick to her. That Scott's OG is looking good man. I do have one of the CCK seeds growing out in a journal on here i have, its a runt but she stinks of og so bad :'( I just wished the seeds woulda been good this girl would have probably been a keeper! She's a month old and sits under a foot..:/



Well-Known Member
So I've got 6 outta 10 females now,
2 tangerine kush and 4 rugburn og
the tangies are just finishing preflower
and the rugburns are about 4 weeks in outdoors.
the small is intense the flowers are gorgeous.
i don't care if people bag RD I'll keep buying from you.
ive also got some trainwreck and flo-og stashed for next season.
heres some pics, thanks RD


I'm guessing this is a skywalker og phenol of 501st og

Too bad she's a hermie so that brings me down to just 3 females
1 hermie and 3 males with 3 seeds not germinating for a 10 pack of 501st og