Somali Ghost Train
Second grow ever so mistakes are being made and corrected

// probably got too much N and Mg earlier, and had to fend off some PM. I popped one pack of these earlier in the summer, and wound up with 6 females which I have kept for moms. In September I popped a second pack, and have another 8 plants yet to sex. In the near future I will do a proper pheno hunt from both packs. For the time being, I had TWO of the females from the first pack running. These plants STRETCH!!! (not surprised, but it overwhelmed me as a new grower).
I have an 8x7 room with two HLG 550's in it, and the two Somali Ghost Train plants just wind up
in between the two lights because they are so much taller than the other gear I am running (yeah another new grower mistake, trying to run too much at once... 5 strains and 24 plants total in my 8x7 room).
They were slow to flower after the 12/12 flip. It took over two weeks to really show fully (slower than the Moonshine Haze which flipped on the same day). They kept stretching. As you can see from the photos, the plant was topped twice, and since then I've just been weaving/training it madly to try and keep it under 4'. About a week ago I killed the second of the two... it was losing to PM, and rather than have a crowded space getting worse, I pulled it. Thankfully this remaining plant has stayed fairly clean. Still a lot of time to go though!
I've been doing stem rubs, and it took some time to show up, but it now haze that distinct amazing haze smell in it. Not as lemony as the Moonshine Haze.
This is Day 47 from 12/12. Plant is in a 5 gallon with ProMixHP and fed Advanced Nutrients phPerfect. It is about 4' tall trained.