Rare dankness/rd genetics


Well-Known Member
Beating a slave was someones job to once... make his actions ok too right? being it was just a job...

Edit: LOL think I was trying to post that in another thread...


Active Member
Beating a slave was someones job to once... make his actions ok too right? being it was just a job...

Edit: LOL think I was trying to post that in another thread...

Yep, the politicians are responsible for that one too. Yet they never seem held accountable for all the deaths and pain they cause others to commit in their name. I mean it is the politicians making us into criminals and sending SWAT units into bedrooms to shoot dogs. They called it a "war" so collateral damage was acceptable.

Its not that there are not bad cops, there are bad everything. Its that the politicians are sending them after us for a plant in the first place. Save the SWAT for the hostage takers and killers, not the farmer with cancer.


Well-Known Member
I take offense to their company motto: "Guns dont kill people, corrupt pigs do."

Modeling your product like that is not only grandiose and pretentious but also socially irresponsible and immature. For the most part,cops are just doing their jobs.
Lmao this has been my signature since i started posting on this site. How you came to the conclusion that my signature represented the whole Rare Dankness seed company i would really like to know. I came up with that quote after seeing countless stories of Medical Marijuana Raids where innocent people were killed. Their dogs shot for no reason. I watched many videos on it and it pissed me off and still does. Most of the time they get away with it and its all cleared. I stick by my quote IT DOESNT GO OUT TO COPS DOING A HONEST GOOD JOB it goes to those corrupt fucks who lie and kill people because they have a power trip. Look up the story on the Marine who was killed he had worked nights like me. Heard noises at his door. Told his wife and kid to hide in the closet he had his gun on safety and they shot him 30 something times saying he opened fire first….

PS: NOTICE I SAID CROOKED PIGS not your average cop just doing his job Learn to read please
and that Marines name is Jose Guerena


New Member
Wow it never ceases to surprise me how many idiots are on Rollitup.
I see and read some of the dumbest things on this site.

There's a small group of really down to earth & experienced cool peps too, that I do not see anywhere else on the net. They probably make up less than 1% of the total active members here.. This small group in fact belong to one of my very favorite internet grow related threads online. It just so happens to be on the RIU server.

But besides that small group.. I find there's another 5% that are really just here to learn and share their newly found passion for growing with others.. and then there's the majority 94% of the active community here that is really dumb as bricks. These are the people who troll and hate. Asking questions such as... "Is it done yet?" After showing a picture of a plant that's been in bloom for 3 weeks. These are the people that hide their grow from their mom. They are the ones who dropped out of school and smoke shhwag all day, probably grow the shhwag too. They watch youtube videos by Arjan and can't wait try growing whatever the hot Greenhouse strain is at the moment. They have bags of Miracle grow potting soil and comment about urine being an excellent fertilizer. Ughhhh. It is what it is. & these are the people who have done nothing but troll these threads.

Anyways I'm done ranting now.


Well-Known Member
not to be funny, but it seems like the ignorance gets more attention rather than someone actually looking for general help in this thread. i spoke to Mrs RD and she'd answer the question but i decided to ask here just to see all the rd reps would throw some suggestions out there. here it is days later no response or advice what so ever.

honestly i can see why people lead towards being negative in this thread as appose to being positive/conducive when it comes to showing interest in rd genetics. it's been said many of times and i am starting to truly believe it, people only really respect violence (violence being the negative post and comments). when it's all said and done fuck what who's being ignorant, it's business. as business minded people the last thing that should come into play should be how a question was asked or what was said that didn't rub you the right way. if anything it should be help all that is asking/seeking and deal with the emotional shit later because that shit doesn't promote sales, something some still don't seem to get.

Mrs Rd explained something to me and i understood where she was coming from. i told her if all works out i'll pick some more of their stock up but besides Mrs Rd i see no other reason to do so. for a rep or anyone down for the rd cause my first thought would be to seek and find those that purchase or have any interest into rd stock, shower them with my experience showing them what they are in stored for in the future with rd which in return will keep them coming back when it comes to making any future purchases. basically killing 2 birds with one stone without barely doing any hard work.

however it seems like some just want to go the opposite way and get upset or can't understand why people are questioning rd motives. no disrespect to anyone, not my intentions, i was just thinking out loud.

when it's all said and done i want to be a firm believer in what i brought as appose to just wishing upon a star all goes right just because i brought this choice of stock without any previous knowledge of them.

How high are you?


Well-Known Member
you had it right on your first guess... evidence....exhibit A. wet paper towel Exhibit B. ziplock baggie ...Exhibit C germination... looks like a open and shut case there.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering wich is your strongest best yielding indicas and kushes you have their are like six og crosses and atleast 15 of your indicas all the pics look dank but way to much to choose from I thought subcool had a lot of strains for a new grower but damn yall got him beat with strains I think I counted over 20 sativas although that ghost train haze that won the cup was the strongest shit of all thats badass growing the strongest ever I was wondering just how many phenos come in this strain how many seeds do you yourself need to grow for your cup winner cause breeders usally grow 50-200 to find the best phenos for breeding and how many do you grow for your pheno selections


Well-Known Member
I was wondering wich is your strongest best yielding indicas and kushes you have their are like six og crosses and atleast 15 of your indicas all the pics look dank but way to much to choose from I thought subcool had a lot of strains for a new grower but damn yall got him beat with strains I think I counted over 20 sativas although that ghost train haze that won the cup was the strongest shit of all thats badass growing the strongest ever I was wondering just how many phenos come in this strain how many seeds do you yourself need to grow for your cup winner cause breeders usally grow 50-200 to find the best phenos for breeding and how many do you grow for your pheno selections
I'm waiting for this answer too.


New Member
fuck the police and fuck the fuckin dea the dea is just doing their job when they bust medical weed and it says corrupt cops not good cops some cops are ok but most of them are just looking to jam someone up so fuck em all
you sound almost like a hippie but hippies hate cops more then me are you the police you wearing a fuckin wire man lol
So i guess you to call the police when someones trying to mug you. yeah right!
So i guess you move to another country. yeah right!

You idiots just dont get it. Without cops,your freedoms are gone. This is what a hate about the stoner culture. So cliche.


Well-Known Member
Wow it never ceases to surprise me how many idiots are on Rollitup.
I see and read some of the dumbest things on this site...

and then there's the majority 94% of the active community here that is really dumb as bricks. These are the people who troll and hate. Asking questions such as... "Is it done yet?" After showing a picture of a plant that's been in bloom for 3 weeks. These are the people that hide their grow from their mom. They are the ones who dropped out of school and smoke shhwag all day, probably grow the shhwag too. They watch youtube videos by Arjan and can't wait try growing whatever the hot Greenhouse strain is at the moment. They have bags of Miracle grow potting soil and comment about urine being an excellent fertilizer. Ughhhh. It is what it is. & these are the people who have done nothing but troll these threads.
^^this man deserves an award!

Also, he pretty much summed up the cfl/micro cab section of this site. It's a disaster over there. Bunch of 16 year olds trying to grow some OG cut or Haze cross in a gutted out PC case with a single 16 watt pigtail bulb inside. I mean just how in the hell do they think that's going to work anyways, lol!

...and of course yes, asking the same hundred questions everyday - all of which would easily be answered by doing a search first.


New Member
So i guess you to call the police when someones trying to mug you. yeah right!
So i guess you move to another country. yeah right!

You idiots just dont get it. Without cops,your freedoms are gone. This is what a hate about the stoner culture. So cliche.
The video is chilling, but it's also a sign of the times.

"Your First Amendment rights can be terminated," yells the Chicago police officer, caught on video right before arresting two journalists outside a Chicago hospital. One, an NBC News photographer, was led away in handcuffs essentially for taking pictures in a public place. He was released only minutes later, but the damage was done. Chicago cops suffered an embarrassing "caught on tape" moment, and civil rights experts who say cops are unfairly cracking down on citizens with cameras had their iconic moment.
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yeap gaurding my 'freedoms'

go away officer,or you will find out why the stoner culture hates your fat blue parasitic ass

Tales of reporters, protestors and citizen journalists being threatened or arrested for filming law enforcement officials during disputes are on the rise, critics say, with Occupy Wall Street protests a lightning rod for these incidents. The National Press Photographers Association claims it has documented 70 such arrests since September and, in May, called on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to focus attention on the issue.
[HR][/HR]"The First Amendment has come under assault on the streets of America," the photography association said in a letter to Holder that was also signed by several other interest groups. "Police have arrested dozens of journalists and activists simply for attempting to document political protests in public spaces.”
Such allegations are ironic, given the sharp rise in police surveillance technology, which gives cops vast capabilities to film citizens, said Catherine Crump, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney.
"It is true that Americans are photographed more and more today as they walk around in public spaces," Crump said. "And it is ironic that law enforcement agencies are objecting when the same activity is being used to film their activities. But it's not surprising because there's often a double-standard in this space."
There's always been a tense relationship between cops and cameras, but that relationship is being pushed to the brink now that half of U.S. adults carry smartphones, nearly all of them capable of filming and sharing visuals instantly with the whole world via the Internet. Cops at Occupy Wall Street protests -- such as those at Zucotti Park in New York City -- routinely deal with dozens of amateur photographers shoving cameras in their faces, many of them aggressive. It's not hard to see how the cameras can escalate an already tense situation.
But First Amendment law is clear: Citizens in public spaces have a right to film things they see in plain sight. Courts have repeatedly upheld that right in high-profile cases.
Court rulings sometimes have no bearing during intense situations, however.
"It wouldn't really matter with some police officers if you had an original copy of Bill of Rights with you," said Mickey Osterreicher, a lawyer for the press photographers association. He said he deals with new cases nearly every day involving photographers who he believes have been wrongly arrested.
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Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
I don't like to say anything about average yield, as every growing style and environment is different. It's hard to average something with so many variables.

As far as fast finishing selections, I don't know of anything super fast being found. None of the strains in the gth series are fast finishers. Every mom used goes 65 days or more. Most plants will be 70+ day finishers.
hey thanks for the reply and i totally understand. everything im running now, even though in the description 8-9 weeks, has gone up to 70+ days so that's no big deal. my initial understanding was leaning more towards like 90 days so to here 70 is great.


Well-Known Member
Ok hotsause,

Next time you get into a jam,dont call the police. its just that simple.

Apologies to RD,obviously....

lol i try to keep myself out of "Jams" but ill keep that in mind. Im really trying not to troll so ill end it with that

On another note Star Killers are looking Beautiful i love # 1 Structure
Star Killer 1 Day 50

Star Killer 2

Rug Burn


Active Member
What OG was used in GTH #2? Is it Triangle?

WTF? This should not be a secret, LOL!
I'm also curious. I'm guessing it's the Triangle cut. RD gets weird when talking about the Triangle cut. The Triangle cut is also known as The White. If your wondering what the Raredankness #1 is, this is all I could find. "RD#1 makeup - the exact crosses are proprietary, but this is basically an OG Kush IBL -5 different elite OGs crossed into each other to recombine all their genetic material." RDrep


Active Member
Beating a slave was someones job to once... make his actions ok too right? being it was just a job...

Edit: LOL think I was trying to post that in another thread...
In case anyone is wondering, Nazi SS troops were the first to coin and use " just doing our jobs"....that is literally the root of that phrase. So if cops are "just doing their job",.....

In case anyone is forgetting, which history we seem to forget the fastest hitler once made a very famous quote, that is very relevant to 21st century times

"There is nothing greater for a Government, than a citizenry of sheep"--Adolf Hitler

Lastly, and I apologize for the off topic post, I do enjoy this thread greatly but if you take company motto's to heart....you need a life...Just sayin :)