Rare dankness/rd genetics

It's done.

On the grow front... Just transplanted and planted a bunch of rare dankness to go into flowering.... 2 different goatwreck haze, one that grows like golden goat but smells and tastes like nevil's haze, and one that stretches a bit, but puts out an interesting funk I want to explore more. Also got myself a special selection of Scott's OG going in. First run was dead ringer for TK. Have a pretty big lee Roy going in too.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD>>>>> PLEASE LET IT BE. It is my birthday week. I swear if I hear 1 thing negative about this, 1 crying/threatening complaint, I'm going completely BITCHY and We will see just how elite it stays.

I'll keep it civil, don't worry.

Homeless has it right. The problem is with the person who provided the faceoff clone, not the genes. Too much drama just to have 3 strains in the catalogue. Too bad dude thinks he owns every strain he's ever passed.

The only problem is if you give your word as a man to do something, HONOR IT. That's it. If more people in this world stood by their word, there would be a whole lot less drama. Real men stand by their word, honor it, respect it, and would rather die than dishonor it. We all choose which side of the fence we'd rather stand on. Where do you stand?

I don't even believe the guy popped seeds of the Faceoff in 2006 or whenever it happened. The cut was around in the late 90's. I think he found the cut and took claim to it. That dude is way too young. He said he was there since the beginning and if you weren't there your cut is fake. He must have been the first commercial grower in the 6th grade. I mean damn, there are a ton of awesome OG's that are just being released that are all from the late 90's and early 2000's. The True OG and the BTY OG are killer, both from the 90's and are just being released to the public. It seems the hoarders are letting go.

Believe your own fantasy world my friend and where everything comes from.

I had dinner with him in LA. I got the real story of the faceoff. He was growing the cut in '98. He told me how it got named that. It was just a dope OG cut that he was rocking. He cleared up a lot of Internet rumors. OGkushman is the real deal. He knows his shit and if he wanted the fame, he would have grabbed it. He was approached for some pretty high profile things and turned them down. He actually asked if you were at the cup nightmare. He wanted to sit down and give you a history lesson. He ended up getting caught up and couldn't make it to the cup.

but it's true, the "faceoff" cut used was found in S1 seeds from the cut OGkushman had and passed to doc. He found the poison, doc found the "faceoff", I think he called it that cause it was close to the original. Pretty sure the original is lost.

He never was growing a "faceoff" cut in the 90's. Cuz there never was such a thing beyond the salesmen giving it that name for sales. The grower never knew nor called it that. Kushman was a middleman for those LB's though and subsequently found the seeds in those LB's. He gifted me those seeds in 05...I cracked em in 06, and that's where the Face/Off #4 Moonshine used came from. The Poison was cracked from an entirely different batch of seeds by OGKushman about a year earlier if I remember correctly..

That's how I understood it. It got dubbed the faceoff, but that's not my story to tell on why or when or by who. I know there are stories that circulate about it. If OGkushman really thought it was important, im sure he'd be on the forums tellin everyone. All I can verify is that the cuts as we know them today are from those seeds cracked in '06.

I'm sure he's around to verify whatever you would like to know. In fact, I just saw him a few days ago. You should hit him up.

Either way, all faceoff genes are retired out of the RD line up, so if you want those, go to Archive seed bank. There doc, I gave you a plug, I'm sure you're readin this...


This is what was told to me. What I do know is this cut has been around since the late 90's. I'm positive the original Faceoff cut survived. There are two cuts of it floating around. The cut I have came from 98. At that time OGKushman was growing for Snoop Doggs crew. Faceoff OG was also mention in one of Snoops songs. Somewhere or somehow the Faceoff cut ended up in Snoop Doggs circle and the cut was passed to very very few people. The Faceoff og was then grown for celebrities in the Los Angeles Music industry during the early 2000's. Then it just disappeared. A few people have had this same cut since 98. OGKushman supplying Snoop's crew with the Faceoff OG back then can be verified by him on one of the ICMag threads. I think Doc's story he told you over dinner is true but the story I just told you is true also. There's no conflicting info here now.

Fiction and Reality, they're two different things. Choose which you would prefer to believe. But I think you've already made your mind up.

Just to clarify...

There never was a "FaceOff OG" to be grown as such. FaceOff OG was a salesman's moniker for a few certain LB's of really nice OG that went around back in the 90's. The original grower never knew, nor called it that. OGKushMan found seeds in those LB's, gave em to me, and I cracked them in 2006, and found the Face/Off OG #4 from seed. Kushman was not growing the cut in the 90's nor did the grower of such herb call it "FaceOff OG". So, if you have an "original" face off OG, then good luck with it, cuz the originaly grower (whom no one knew personally) 15 years ago never called his cut that. So wherever your cut came from is your best guess. FWIW, I've tried a a few samples of the Cdub cut (same as any other OG) and it's definitely not the same as the #4.

The bagseed Poison OG came from completely different LB's of OG than the Face/Off #4. OGKushman popped those seeds in the early 2000's in WA State and found his "clone only" Poison OG. The FaceOff and Poison ARE NOT from the same seed stock. I managed to save a Poison OG clone from around 2005 and subsequently gifted it to Moonshine in 2010.
Okay doc. So he wasn't growing it, semantics. As I said, it was just a dope OG cut being grown back then. You and I both know the story of how it got its name/sales pitch moniker. I apologize for mixing up the seed stock that the poison came from. I thought they were different representations of the same S1s. Now can we drop this?

I stand on the side of the truth by the way. A man's word is a man's word, nothing else. Sticking by your word means nothing, cause your words may be lies. Semantics man.
Okay doc. So he wasn't growing it, semantics. As I said, it was just a dope OG cut being grown back then. You and I both know the story of how it got its name/sales pitch moniker. I apologize for mixing up the seed stock that the poison came from. I thought they were different representations of the same S1s. Now can we drop this?

I stand on the side of the truth by the way. A man's word is a man's word, nothing else. Sticking by your word means nothing, cause your words may be lies. Semantics man.

Growing something and knowing what it is vs. selling something, and having no clue what it really is, is beyond the scope of the definition of semantics.

Happy to drop it as soon as people get it straight. I didn't bring it up, I'm just clearing the smoke..
It means you chose to believe a lie. There is more to a person's word than what they say. Gotta use more than just your ears to hear what they're saying.

Most people don't say I'm honorable and honest, that's for you to decide yourself. If someone says they're being honest, that's the first clue they're lying.

This is not shit for the Internet at this point, if you want to have a serious talk about shit, you know where to find me in Denver during the cup. I don't want want to get into it on any forums anymore.
The whole cut thing is stupid! If you don't want someone to have a special cut then you have to keep it to yourself. Then you also take the risk of losing that cut forever. Look what happened to OGKushman, he released several cuts into the community and now years later he is being gifted those cuts back. Good karma sent them back. It's a plant, the only reason to hoard a cut is in the name of greed and money. Let's be honest! Any cut that is released does not have restrictions on it, there's no prison politics here.
Homeless has it right. The problem is with the person who provided the faceoff clone, not the genes. Too much drama just to have 3 strains in the catalogue. Too bad dude thinks he owns every strain he's ever passed.

Thank You Rare D MI & Homeless for your replies. I went back through the 300+ pages of comments and finally found the whole BS.
Looking forward to my Facewreck & LPB. Best wishes to both of you and all other cool folks here. Enjoy.

As far as the sorry ass punks and their "cuts".... your "cuts" are not special all, the only thing less special are your empty, wretched and pointless lives.
There is great dank for all, many, many strains- hundreds of great strains & cuts - one cut of one strain does not matter at all. Just one kernel of corn in a silo full of corn.

Reminds me of the losers who would " never !" try DNA's Cannalope Haze or crosses due to "controversy" that it probably is C99 pheno. What a pathetic bunch of losers, won't try it because it might be C99 ?????? lmao

Happy Birthday Mrs D. Wish you and Mr. D continued success with your great strains ! Ignore the ignorant jealous trash that have nothing else to do but try to cause problems.
Happy Bday Mrs. RD!!

BTW, never realized that other seed companies out there have strains with TK in it. Ex: Bodhi Seeds Love Triangle and Black Triangle.
I have stone mountain seeds. Also have 2 stone mountain females and 2 males I'm getting ready to play with.
stone mountain F2s in the future? Maybe... Stay tuned.

Sri if I'm necro'ing here, thought it best to read through the whole thread and glean as much as I could so i don't ask questions that have been answered a bajillion times.

RDMI, I would be EXTREMELY interested in that, after seeing Moonshine's cite to kindreview's...review of SM at https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=239340&page=5 .

Insomnia is a HUGE issue in my household (along with chronic extreme pain from degenerative disc disease, which aggravates the insomnia and makes for a nice vicious circle). Mind-quieting, anxiety-stopping, pain-slaughtering nighttime knockout medicine is in order.

At the same time, looking for something to kill pain but keep as clear a head as possible for daytime, not really sure where to start with that, though. Seems like the talk I have been seeing is pointing toward high CBD. Homeyluvafriend has recently picked up some CBD pills from RR, but the chips are still out on that. Any suggestions, maybe?