Rare dankness/rd genetics

Sour D* OG

THank you for all the BD wishes. Had a WONDERFUL week with my boys in Hawaii. I get back to Colorado and there is 14 inches of snow at my house. WTF!!

The DENVER CUP should be epic.. Stressful but epic. RR will be stocked!
At the Rare Dankness Booth there will lots of RD goodies to try.
ADVICE for the CUP:

or Use alcohol wipes before using some one elses.
THE MMED will be there, they will be watching both sections. DO NOT bring more than an OZ per person.
DRINK WATER, you will be at a higher altitude.
DO NOT BUY any herb from people wondering around the CUP. It is still illegal to sell. They can GIVE IT AWAY!
Please stop by and say hello! and HAVE FUN!
Well High Times says Rug Burn OG from the Mysterious and Complex folks at Rare Dankness Seeds comes yet another head clobbering entry. sounds good hope you do good at the Denver Cup and read about it in High Times
Got a Rare Dankness shirt from the mug shop today.
It isn't as cool as the ones off the raredanknessstore dot com, but it is nice.
Oh, for fucks sake -- call me a n00b, it didn't occur to me that the Cup would sell out of tickets, is it that small...?

...any way at all to get tickets now...?

Geez, can you all just form a line and kick me, please?
Official now. New high times is out. Rugburn came in 6th in the strongest strains on earth article this year at 22.1% THC. Come on moonshine, I know you have something better than that to enter this weekend! Get it!
Oh, for fucks sake -- call me a n00b, it didn't occur to me that the Cup would sell out of tickets, is it that small...?

...any way at all to get tickets now...?

Geez, can you all just form a line and kick me, please?

wow @ stubhub :shock:

Congrats RD on the Rugburn in High Times

Rugburn, hehe
the attitude has gotten some of the RD strains back in stock like;
night terror
pmp haze
docs og
scotts og
karma bitch
mooshine haze
walker kush