None of those at all. Those are actually my favorites!!
I am not technically allergic to lemons, but I am to limonene.

For limonene to be a skin alergen, you have to touch the plant itself and when the trichome breaks off, if let's air inside which causes it to 'oxidise' this is what causes the flare ups.

It goes through oxidation via air, this doesn't happen when you eat lemons etc
The same happens when you smoke it too, I made sure I had tons of cream on hand so I could get by, I smoked the ultimate, hell I wasn't growing those for nothing! Never again tho


Well-Known Member
I feel so bad for you guys.

I walk naked thru all my grows. I love when they rub against me......................................and my girls love me right back. See my sig :eyesmoke:
LMAO, I thought I was the only one who did that! :oops: Trichomes and the cannabinoid's always reduce my inflammation on my body. :bigjoint:

go go kid

Well-Known Member
LMAO, I thought I was the only one who did that! :oops: Trichomes and the cannabinoid's always reduce my inflammation on my body. :bigjoint:
i too garden naked, theres someting about being nude and gardening that i love, it helps that im the only person around for miles, well nearest neighbours are 3/4 of a mile away and i have 6 1/2 acres to wander around in the nude


Well-Known Member
i too garden naked, theres someting about being nude and gardening that i love, it helps that im the only person around for miles, well nearest neighbours are 3/4 of a mile away and i have 6 1/2 acres to wander around in the nude
I can see a NUDE growers thread popping up soon. You guys are nuts!! I would NEVER grow naked :rolleyes:


So what kind of nurse are you? RN, LVN, CNA or another? Cannabis's closest relative is a nettle, what do you think?
RN. And you know what, that crossed my mind the other day while I came across stinging nettle while going on a hike. I think hops is close as well. That’s why I love ipas because I feel like I’m basically drinking cannabis flavored beer lol


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
RN. And you know what, that crossed my mind the other day while I came across stinging nettle while going on a hike. I think hops is close as well. That’s why I love ipas because I feel like I’m basically drinking cannabis flavored beer lol
Stop that you little masochist LOL So you are deliberately running a histamine response! That is deeply funny.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Haha masochist is my middle name.
Oh and nurses don’t know everything. Geeze im a nurse not a botanist hahaha!
Once upon a time. A very long time ago I was too. Biochem eluded me but neurosurgery felt like home. Stop skirting with the histamine response/adrenaline response and seek what you are really missing because it's sad for me to see the ecchymosis from self-injury and you seem interesting,


Well-Known Member
Sorry to bump an old post, but i was wondering what's the situation with your allergies now, any improvement?

I'm having an allergy now as well, my whole body is itchy and i have rashes on the legs and arms.
I'm 99% sure it's not from the plants, because i don't even touch my plants with my bare skin. And i've touched plants before without problems.
This is the first time i have this allergic reaction, and i have a feeling it's from my soil. I'm using Biobizz Light Mix which contains Peat Moss, Sphagnum Peat and Perlite. I never had any allergies before from using different soils, this is the first time i'm using Biobizz so that's why i suspect it.

I looked it up and found this, i have to admit it's terrifying:
- https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/sporotrichosis/index.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sporothrix_schenckii
- https://www.google.com/search?q=Sporotrichosis&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia7_qBkJ_3AhVGnKQKHRGqDH0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=2144&bih=1004&dpr=0.9

Luckily and thankfully, my rashes don't look severe like in the pictures, but i'm worried if it develops further. I haven't stumbled upon this topic on any forum, so i think it's worth mentioning it. I hope that's not the case with me and you!