Raspberry Cough DWC Grow


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but I thought I remember reading that when about 5-10% of the trichs are milky is the time to chop.
Or about 3/4 of the pistils turning amber. I don't think any of your buds will be ready this early tho. What week are you in? 4?

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but I thought I remember reading that when about 5-10% of the trichs are milky is the time to chop.
Or about 3/4 of the pistils turning amber. I don't think any of your buds will be ready this early tho. What week are you in? 4?
Lol, yes week 4. and nope wasn't thinking of chopping early just that with that new found knoweldge in hand that i may want harvest at week eight or nine as compared to week ten or eleven. I wish at least one was but the closest one only really has three hairs that are even halfway brown.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
5/1/11 Update: Most of the buds now have at least half of there hairs turning caramel and some have turned all the way and curled back against the bud. Gave them a good squeeze and they feel dense as hell, should be a nice weight when its done. Picture update coming soon

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
DSCN0476.jpgDSCN0474.jpgDSCN0470.jpgDSCN0473.jpgDSCN0478.jpgDSCN0475.jpgDSCN0477.jpgDSCN0472.jpgRSCN0469.JPGDSCN0471.jpgOkay, I discovered the Macro setting on the wifes camera. Sadly the pics are still lacking in quality but you guys can get the gist. Tell me what you think folks.


Well-Known Member
Looks good! Those pistils/hairs that I see are nice and white. Just the way they should be at that stage.
Pics a little blurry tho. Little practice. Lol!


Well-Known Member
Wow those buds are growing bro! Keep up the good work and your going be smoking some dank for a good while, unless of course it's spoken for.

Pictures look better, not that blurry I use a 12MP and can't hold the damn thing steady to get good pics LOL.

My RBC in flower is starting to form buds finally lol.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Looks good! Those pistils/hairs that I see are nice and white. Just the way they should be at that stage.
Pics a little blurry tho. Little practice. Lol!
Thanks, my fav is the pic of the main bud it is huge gonna save that one for myself. they just started to get a nice color on them, bout to have to hide the scissors getting itchy pruning fingers haha

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Wow those buds are growing bro! Keep up the good work and your going be smoking some dank for a good while, unless of course it's spoken for.

Pictures look better, not that blurry I use a 12MP and can't hold the damn thing steady to get good pics LOL.

My RBC in flower is starting to form buds finally lol.
Haha, well All the trim and super small buds will become butter. The remaining main colas and popcorn buds Im going to keep most of but I do have a few friends who are fighting each other to get it from me. Promised everyone I would throw a party once its all dried and cured.

Don't worry shell be full of thick buds soon enough


Well-Known Member
Don't let the itch get ya! Lol..
Good things come to those who wait! Patience Grasshopper!
As far as people wanting your buds. I don't tell anyone about the grow, but if I did then I would sell them a bud.
Popcorn buds smoke as well as big buds.
I have $1000 in my setup and not giving anything away. Lol..
Might smoke one with ya tho! bongsmilie
You tell someone, who tells some, who tells 5 people, who tell 5 more. Trust no one.
Before you know it, everybody knows about your grow and the cops come knocking on your door. Not Cool!
Just my 2 cents, but the only people I tell are here on this site.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Don't let the itch get ya! Lol..
Good things come to those who wait! Patience Grasshopper!
As far as people wanting your buds. I don't tell anyone about the grow, but if I did then I would sell them a bud.
Popcorn buds smoke as well as big buds.
I have $1000 in my setup and not giving anything away. Lol..
Might smoke one with ya tho! bongsmilie
You tell someone, who tells some, who tells 5 people, who tell 5 more. Trust no one.
Before you know it, everybody knows about your grow and the cops come knocking on your door. Not Cool!
Just my 2 cents, but the only people I tell are here on this site.
let me rephrase that, with the exception of this site and my pothead best friend the three or four close friends that know i smoke and have a "hookup" (that hookup being myself lol) think that a guy owes me money and is paying me back in bud Haha. The only way the wife agrees to me growing weed is if I keep it a secret, plus with the draconian laws in Texas I damn well better keep it a secret lest I end up doing twenty four a couple of plants. Don't worry there will not be an early harvest for me, smells to amazing to ruin em by chopping early.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
5/2/11 Update: Seems has if the smell has kicked in overnight with the RBC, I came home and it was like pepe le pew in the old cartoons very intoxicating. The runt of the group is almost level with the rest of the canopy though its main cola is still only the size of some of the popcorn buds on the others but oh well.

Does anyone have a suggestion for ph during flower? By this I mean should it be higher or lower? Ive always kept it around 5.8 in past grows but this one I started keeping it closer to 6.2 during flower and they seem to like it but I wonder if it where alil higher if it would help the nutrient uptake at all.

On a mildly hilarious side note my wife always calls our weed my glaucoma meds. Today my mom calls and says my brother has the beginnings of it and my grandfather has a history of it and that I should get checked out. At least if I do I can fill my own prescriptions haha. Off to try and get some in focus bud shots. Peace.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
OMG those buds look great bro! I can't wait to smell that aroma... MMMmmmmMMmm
dude I bury my nose in a bud at least twice a day and soak up that dank fruity smell. Every grow I get closer to that cannabis cup type bag appeal. Thankfully you can look forward to a low leaf on bud ratio (at least for the main colas) so trimming shouldn't take more than say twelve hours or so (least it does for me, im ocd about manicuring my bud.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Random thought update: I could put a Y splitter in each of my work lights and run two bulbs per socket. two 105 watt 2700k cfl bulbs times 3 will give me 37800 lumens plus whats already coming out of the eight T5's. that should help those lower buds along alil bit.