Rate My Weed!! When will I see sex!!


Active Member
Hey all new grower here wanted your opinion on my grow. There are 6 plants from seed (Mandala - Speed Queen). They are about a month old and I started 12/12 to flower em about 4 days ago. I want to flower them early because I want to repot the females to big pots and only want 2 or 3 at the most because of space issue. My question is how long does it take the plants to show sex and am I starting flower to early? Should I repot them now since they are starting to outgrow there 1 galls and just pick out the healthiest ones or is it possible to sex them first than repot them?


Pic #1 - Top of a healthy plant.
Pic #2 - Most likely nute burn on one of the plants, Added way to much nutes on a earlier watering period, noob mistake :roll:
Pic #3 - Side shot of a plant with new leaf nodes popping out, looked real hard and no real sign of sex...
Pic #4 - Side shot of all plants.



New Member
your plants look good.. i got some speed queen sprouts i hope they grow that fast :) , as for the flowering thing... you can never flower to early.... ive seen some dude flower a 2 inch plant... he prolly got a gram off it :) . as for the repotting... im not an expert or anything... but i would assume u want to put as little stress on the plant as possible woll its flowering... if i were you i would have done it befor flowering... but i guess now wouldent hurt to much. try to disturb them as little as possible and do it as fast as possible ? i wouldent wait.. but then again i have no idea what im talking about.. so wait for someone else to varify that im right


Active Member
Awesome, thanks for the tips. They are growing and doing ok even though all of my early noob mistakes like nute burn and they are a bit strected because I put my cfls to far at the beginning. Mandala seeds seem to be really good, real healthy and noob friendly, will get there seeds again I wanna do Sadhu or Hashberry :-o


Well-Known Member
nice plants... thick stalks and close nodes are a good sign yours arnt to bad though.