Ratty's At It Again!! White Widow Round 2!!


Well-Known Member
hi ratty, your plants are looking great man, its a pity about the set backs that you have had with this grow. good luck with the flowering.

WOOOW! Gonna be huge when you flower. I'm really excited to see the buds.
nice grow. good job
Thaks for stopping in guys!! The setbacks have not been helpful thats for sure. and they arent over yet. Because I plan on moving I'm gonna have people coming through to look at the place. (Renters) So everytime someone wants to come through I'm gonna have to move them. There is a spot in my loft where one of the wall pannels come off, I am thinking of hiding them in there if people come by then I just have to mask the smell upstairs somehow. Oh this is gonna be fun!! My plants are about the same size they were last time I flowered and this time I have 9 not 6 so I should still get a decent yield.


New Member
what a bunch of chit, why the hell do they oulaw weeds ?
a s fire fighter i have taken people to the morgue for drug over doses and many alcohol related beatings and car accidents.

in 1987, the cops in my town raided my hood and busted 17 people, i was number 18 but quit just before, i have a 6th sense or I'm parinoid. but i beat them, nark came to me and i was closed for buiz.

they wanted to nail this fire fighter to the wall cause i busted them running a prostitution ring.

that night I went to the station and saw all the cops drunk, dancing on tables, driving in squad cars with beers, gropeing the women there.

i told them they were animals, pot smokers dont act like that, we all hold jobs and are law abiding citizens.

they never did get me, tried 2 times. i always found out about the busts before hand and out smarted them, wanna know how ?

i have a really pretty cuz, she was a bartender at the hotel where the cops always went to booze it up, the sheraton. I never and she never told anyone we were related.

i used to go there and flirt with her and my friends were amazed when she always ok, i'll call ya. I mean she's a fox.

anyway there is a sgt, on the force, will remain nameless but he knows who he is, right danny. he's a drunk and he always shoots his mouth off and brags to the women, or should I say, my cuz.

everytime they did something he went there got boozed up and shot his mouth off and she called me. I sold her the pot she smoked.

dumb asses.

totally stupid, out law weeds.

and by the way, mine are booming, gonna take a pix in a few days, i want them to look good.

i fixed all my problems, thank god. i thought i was retarted or something.

good luck on the yeild.


Well-Known Member
Man these poeple wont just let me grow my pot. Now the realter wants to show the house on wednesday so I gotta get rid of my plants again. This is getting rediculous. One thing after another. today is feeding day and the ladies are looking good. I will post some pics later. All comments welcome


New Member
are you moving, if so tell them to take a hike. what the hell do they think this is?
if your rent is paid you have the right to privacy, the land lord can only demand entrance 1 time in 30 days with prior written notice 24 hours in advance.

tell the realitor to line everyone up and come all at 1 time, this isnt going to be a revolving door thing.

if you are moving, stick to your guns and them them to go away. they can do all the walk throughs they want when you are gone.


Well-Known Member
are you moving, if so tell them to take a hike. what the hell do they think this is?
if your rent is paid you have the right to privacy, the land lord can only demand entrance 1 time in 30 days with prior written notice 24 hours in advance.

tell the realitor to line everyone up and come all at 1 time, this isnt going to be a revolving door thing.

if you are moving, stick to your guns and them them to go away. they can do all the walk throughs they want when you are gone.
The thing is if he sells the place while we are still here he is going to give us some money back. He wants to repay us for our winter heating bill. so If I wanna see that money I gotta go along with things. hopefully it will be the last time. I already have to dry it somewhere else and now we might be leaving sonner so this grow might go to waste anyways. I hope not but thats the way life goes unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Well I fed the girls yesterday Giving the 8ml micro and 15ml bloom per gallon and cut out the grow. The girls went crazy!! Here they are today let me know what you think!! All Comments Welcome!!



New Member
yellowing on bottom leaves is coming back.

nice clones.

my little ladies are outside getting a tan.
i found a great spot right in the field next door to my house, we own the property.

great coverage all around, prickers everywhere, no tree's over head, got a diag. path from the road to them and you cant tell.

gonna help save on power bills and make um grow nice and big.


Well-Known Member
Well I fed the girls yesterday Giving the 8ml micro and 15ml bloom per gallon and cut out the grow. The girls went crazy!! Here they are today let me know what you think!! All Comments Welcome!!

Just wanted this page to have some of the new pics. I moved the ladies again today, they will be coming home again tomorrow. Now I may only get to flower them for 5 1/2 weeks :cry:. Will they still be smokable at that point? or is it a waste of time? this is gonna suck they are growing so good now too.


Well-Known Member
So Yet another change of plans the guy that wanted to see the place backed out so now it might be tommorw or the next day so I guess the girls wont be coming home after all. They are safe where they are and I brought the timer and light with them so they are still on 12/12 so I guess its not that big of a deal. I just hope it doesnt stress them out too much.

Come on guys I got almost 1600 views on this thread ond only 110 comments most of which are my own. All comments welcome!!


Well-Known Member
I think it's been about 2 weeks since I planted my sad looking little clones. Today I gave them thier first feeding. they are real troopers they have pulled through once again. My tallest plant stands about 8" tall 2-3" more than the others, they were all around 2-3" when they were planted. So far its lookin good. Remeber all comments welcome!!
wow thats un real check my journal for details


Active Member
Sweet Ratty!!! They are looking WAY better!!!!! Awsome, keep it up!!

MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT INTERUPT THE NIGHT CYCLE of 12/12... As long as you do that they should be fine......


Well-Known Member
Well the ladies are home........... Again!! Hopefully this will be the last time I have to move them. I moved them in the daylight with a black bag over them so they were only covered when they shouldnt have been for about 20 minutes so they should be ok. Its only been a week since I started flowering and they are doing great. They are streatching a lot more this time, they have grown about 3 inches since they started flowering. I am going to dread having to cut them down early they are filling out soooo nice. I may have to cut them as early as 5 1/2 weeks will that even be worth smoking?