Yay for raves! I have a bunch of good stories from raves. HAHA... my life was forever altered because of my first rave/ party/ whatever you want to call it. A friend called me around 8:30pm one night. We hadn't spoken in maybe 3 or 4 years. He asked if I wanted to go to a rave that night. It was very odd as he was never a partier... I guess that's why he called me... I was the craziest friend he had. So I skip work with the blessing of the rest of the guys. Shit it was meant to be from the beginning. I would never have guessed the guys would let me off making them work more. Anyways, I sped down to meet him at his place. We go to the San Diego Sports Arena (probably some other name these days). The show was Audiotistic (i think). Should have been 1999 (i think).... shit I was so loaded and drunk and high that whole 10 years from around '95-'05. Good times.
So he took some soma's or something. I never knew what those were but to me they were pussy drugs for peeps who can't handle themselves. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyways I got some E from his older brothers friend. I took one tab, maybe two. Were they called tabs. Pills, doses, whatevs. It didn't do shit for 1 or 2 hours. Nothing. I saw the guy walking around tell him it dont work. He asked if I had been dancing. I say no. He says stand up and put your hands on my shoulders. I did. He rubbed the sides of my ribcages vigorously, like he was trying to shake me up. Did it for like 10 seconds. He stopped and I swear it started hitting me. He took off and I started walking up the longest staircase I've ever been on in my life (not really it was the drugs). By the time I got to the top it was a different world. I had that feeling I had only one other time. It was like THIS IS IT!!!!! I finally found it!!!! The other time I felt that was the first time I got drunk. Sucks being alcoholic.

But that's not the point... these are good memories.
From that point on I was floating and in space. I had done acid and shrooms many many times in high school but this was different. I fucking LOVED everything and everyone. I ended up talking to this guy outside for probably 30 minutes. One of those we dont' know eachother but I've never felt closer to anyone in my life type talks. I got his number on a flyer that was sitting on the ground. Didn't think that much of it. The night eventually finished and we went home.
I called AJ a couple weeks later and said I'd love to party with him again. He said cool... we'll talk sometime.
About 2 months later he calls me at 9pm and says, hey wanna party, we are leaving in 40 mins. I was 40 mins away, so I called a friend to go with me. They said no. So here I was speeding away to a strangers house to meet to go to a party 2 hours from his house. We met in Poway to go to a party in San Bernardino... at The Masterdome. Shit was epic. Anyways, I don't know that anyone actually cares for me to go into detail about the SB show. So I'll save the typing and cut to the chase. That night I met my future girlfriend who I ended up following from SD to LA. In LA I found my wife and the rest is history.
So glad I said YES that night.
Saying yes is always better than saying no.
Oh, and lol about raves. The reason I quit doing drugs... I went to a rave sober. Scary Shit!!!!!!!!
EDIT: I've seen some good dj's too. I was at Tiesto's first west coast show at the Mayan Theatre in LA. It was the night he recorded Magic 7. That was the first set of the night. The second set he played all the greatest hits of that era. Destination sunrize and the like. Fuck that was a great show. Not much for tiesto these days but damn. So glad I drove up for that. Was a wednesday and I had school too.
ATB was cool too. Shitty DJ but I liked the songs he played. That was at B-street in SD. Super small show. Too bad I took the worst drugs ever that night. Steady 190 hbpm for hours. I thought we might end up in the hospital that night.