raw deiael 600 watt ebb n flo perpetual


Well-Known Member
thanks,the mother is way to big to be in there though,it should of been tied down more or something


Well-Known Member
its been a while and every thing has changed.i just moved and got my rooms almost set up,still need to get more black/white poly,another 600 is on the way along with a 6'' duct booster,plus lots of little things.the breakdown is i now have 36 plant count and tons of room now to grow big plants(big harvest)in the veg area will be 2-400 watters and the flower will have 2-600 watters with another endentualy and some flouresents along the side walls.i also gave up hydro and am doing dirt(ffof soil) with 2 gal roots air pots,im still using advanced nutients grow,micro,bloom along with cal-mag,hygrozyme,beastie bloomz,ph will be kept at 6.9-7.2,ill have pics up in a little bit


Well-Known Member
this sucks balls,i just got my new 600 watt digital light with cool tube today,everything looks fine but the dam ballast isnt working.i just contacted the seller from ebay,if they dont resolve the issue ill have to contact ebay and have them deal with it,ebay protection,and paypal protection,u gotta love it,still havent found the camera yet since the move,still some unpacking to do,will get some picks up as soon as i have time to unpack everything


Well-Known Member
started a new thread its called large multi strain grow,come check it out,its small now but the room will fill quickly=)