Rc sample pack

so BUCKETHEAD... no update on the goodies... im eager to hear the news so i can finally send out my payment to the good ol' RC MONSTER!
Not sure about buckethead's order, but i myself, as well as many others who have stated that this site is very legit and received their order. Exactly how many confirmations do you need for something to be confirmed? If your worried about it getting lost or stolen in the mail just throw the extra 20 for express shipping. And on the same note all the tryptamines this vendor offers are of the fumarate salt not hydrochloric. Please remember that when dosin or you will not likely get the desired effects. I found a dosage calculator for different salts of tryptamine compounds for this purpose if anyone is interested just ask.
Not sure about buckethead's order, but i myself, as well as many others who have stated that this site is very legit and received their order. Exactly how many confirmations do you need for something to be confirmed? If your worried about it getting lost or stolen in the mail just throw the extra 20 for express shipping. And on the same note all the tryptamines this vendor offers are of the fumarate salt not hydrochloric. Please remember that when dosin or you will not likely get the desired effects. I found a dosage calculator for different salts of tryptamine compounds for this purpose if anyone is interested just ask.

Um please spare me all the details... yes I know... I have heard from several secondary sources that this site is legit... but I want a personal source!

The express shipping doesn't protect against everything... THEIR FORM OF CONPENSATION TO YOU IS:


Now that is one thing I want to combat...
Not sure about buckethead's order, but i myself, as well as many others who have stated that this site is very legit and received their order. Exactly how many confirmations do you need for something to be confirmed? If your worried about it getting lost or stolen in the mail just throw the extra 20 for express shipping. And on the same note all the tryptamines this vendor offers are of the fumarate salt not hydrochloric. Please remember that when dosin or you will not likely get the desired effects. I found a dosage calculator for different salts of tryptamine compounds for this purpose if anyone is interested just ask.

I'm asking.
for the calculator?