Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

Decided to make a seperate journal for the upside down grow. Im growing in homemade grow bags made of ziplocks with a hole cut out of the bottom lined in duct tape. Cut out pieces of a magic eraser to block the water from coming out the bottoms. Im using MG potting soil for these and they are 3 days old thus far. Also as you can see im using a 2 foot fluro bar light on 24/0 for prolly the first week then ill go 18/6.



Well-Known Member
Boy you better turn then plants right side up, who you kiddin with this upside down bonanza. Nah jk lol keep growing dude.
thanks for the positive feedback heh.. the onoy problem i see w this is im gonna have to cut the bags in half to transplant but ehh its just ziplocs n duct tape so.. If this works out better than my last grows ill turn everything in the growroom upside down
heres a couple pics of the plants two of them are starting their 4th true set and the other one is at 3 the leaves are growing kinda weird like rounded off almost and sorta pointed up towards the ceiling. Sorry about the crappy pics but its kinda difficult to take pics of upside down plants also.. lol



Well-Known Member
gravity man, they want to grow up, but they should grow normal (as they can)

ive always talked about a topsey turvey grow, its good to see one for once



Active Member
You need something better to do with your time.Plants want to grow up(like Ganja pointed out) and what you're doing is not going to work.Whenever I hear someone say"prolly" instead of probably....I know I'm going to hear some stupid shit...Anyway I just don't see the point.
Haha now im being corrected by a pothead, great. My sincerest apologies o supreme ruler of the stoners. Also there is no reason why it wouldnt work, I gurantee it will work actually, I just wanted to see if they would grow faster upside down due to the fact that they are growing with gravity instead of against it.
I wish i was fucking unemployed. I work forty hour weeks even tho i have severe RA. Have worked in the same place now for ohh roughly six years and it sucks ass. But uhh it is true that after work i have little life, I dont go out and do much whatsoever. I sit at home all day w my fiancee and watch tv and movies. I thoroughly enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
first off, dont take haters so seriously, there bound to show up and doubt you, dont let them slow down your grow

and be grateful, i wish i had a job for 6 years and hated. i am unemployed, what do you have to say, olishell? do you want to argue about how its my fault or the economy's?
I dont really hate my job persay, more hating working than anything only because im in mass amounts of pain always, due to Rheumatoid Arthritis plus im on 11 diff medications n shit. Ive been thinkin of goin on disability at some point, but for now i have bills to pay and have no choice heh.
Im gonna flower these at day 21 im thinkin, they are kinda small for there age but i think thats due to lack of airflow because they are covered so the light doesnt leak into the other rooms. Ill get a small fan to throw up there for flowering tho . Its also difficult to have proper soil drainage w these unless i put holes w tubes out of the bottom corners goin into trays or somethin.