Rdwc nutrients


Active Member
My set up is nearly complete and am looking for input towards nutrients... bought the three part general hydroponics nutrient package, uc roots, plus cal-mag and ph-up plus ph-down.... any recommendations towards anything else? mycorrhiza? Bud booster?
keep in mind this is my first attempt in any fashion outside of an outdoor vegetable garden
Use the basic at first. Once you have it down. Healthy plants from start to finish. Then if you feel you want to try the stuff outside the basic of the 3 part, Cal-Mag. Go for it. But the trick here. Is having healthy enough plants to notice any difference using the supplements.
My set up is nearly complete and am looking for input towards nutrients... bought the three part general hydroponics nutrient package, uc roots, plus cal-mag and ph-up plus ph-down.... any recommendations towards anything else? mycorrhiza? Bud booster?
keep in mind this is my first attempt in any fashion outside of an outdoor vegetable garden
why use calmag ?
do you have soft water ? if yes use ghe micro for soft water
Use the basic at first. Once you have it down. Healthy plants from start to finish. Then if you feel you want to try the stuff outside the basic of the 3 part, Cal-Mag. Go for it. But the trick here. Is having healthy enough plants to notice any difference using the supplements.
Fair enough... some words of wisdom right there haha. Appreciate it
You'll read a lot about people mixing a dozen things in to the basic fert solution. First grow type situation. "Why does my plant look like shit?"...three weeks later.

Follow the chart. Follow the makers instructions. Don't dream up stuff to add. All that will do is F it up.

I never had someone tell this when way back when. I have messed stuff up before.
I’m using ro water so I need to replace the cal-mag that I strip out
i use RO water too
you better use a nutrient suited for soft water
calmag will imbalance your npk ratio, buy a botte of gh micro soft water and you dont need calmag
i use RO water too
you better use a nutrient suited for soft water
calmag will imbalance your npk ratio, buy a botte of gh micro soft water and you dont need calmag
Really...? Like everything I read said that you need to replace the cal-mag after filtering through ro... and I read quite a lot/ videos. As for the imbalance screwing up npk- that’s all in the mixing order I was lead to believe
Really...? Like everything I read said that you need to replace the cal-mag after filtering through ro... and I read quite a lot/ videos. As for the imbalance screwing up npk- that’s all in the mixing order I was lead to believe

Yes "Calmag" is intended for coir or peat like mediums. "Calmag" has no place in real hydroponics.

Nutrient ratios has nothing to do with the mixing order. You can experience precipitations if you mix things in wrong order like adding silicate last for example but that's a whole other thing. Or mixing calcium nitrate with magnesium sulfate I'm concentrations creating calcium sulfate.
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Has anyone had experience using liquid weight from green planet or synergy from grotek. saw a video from Mr grow it and he used mycorrhizal fungi and black strap molasses during transplant, talked to the hydroponic store guy and he sold me synergy from grotek for the mycorrhizae and the liquid weight for the microbs. Now reading up on it and it says only use liquid weight during flower. Any thought or input from you beauty's out there on either of those products?
Has anyone had experience using liquid weight from green planet or synergy from grotek. saw a video from Mr grow it and he used mycorrhizal fungi and black strap molasses during transplant, talked to the hydroponic store guy and he sold me synergy from grotek for the mycorrhizae and the liquid weight for the microbs. Now reading up on it and it says only use liquid weight during flower. Any thought or input from you beauty's out there on either of those products?

Yes, don't use organics in hydroponics. Dirt and products intended for soil should be avoided.
My set up is nearly complete and am looking for input towards nutrients... bought the three part general hydroponics nutrient package, uc roots, plus cal-mag and ph-up plus ph-down.... any recommendations towards anything else? mycorrhiza? Bud booster?
keep in mind this is my first attempt in any fashion outside of an outdoor vegetable garden
I run GH nutes in their grow systems and have for years. Trying to get away from GH in all honesty. They got bought out by Monsanto/Bayer in 2018 and those big companies are poison. The grow systems are disappearing; my local shop can't order them anymore, and Armor Si is not available. I tried to go to Remo nutes but the velo kelp is like 85% organic and slimed my roots bad. Bought a Cyco grow kit and will try to transition out of GH to it. But I can get a good crop with GH nutes in a water grow, and I can run through your grow with you if you like.
I read a few of the comments about cal/mag and I'll tell you that I use it personally and have no complaints. I don't use the 3 part flora series though. I have several bottles because they include them with their power growers, aeroflos and rainforests. I don't use it because it has a lot of carbonates in it. It'll never go bad; that's why it's in a clear bottle! Last for decades in a box so I stay away from it. I love the FloraNova base; a quart bottle will last a long time as it's only 7.5 ml/gal; but up to you.
I run the full line except for their Rapid Start which is a whole bunch of ammonium nitrate your roots really don't need and it's super expensive to boot.
You'll need a PPM meter and drops or a meter for PH. Your RO water will be awesome! My tap water is about 55 PPM and works fine.
As far as I know mycorrhiza isn't applicable in water but I could be wrong. If you stay GH they have liquid kool bloom and a dry kool bloom to boost in week 8. I run both.
I like the GH line but they won't tell you what's in it! Never would and Monsanto sure won't. I think Monsanto might just discontinue the whole company to get rid of competition in the market. In all honesty it might not be the best line to learn if it goes away, but I'd be happy to run through your grow with you.
It's all I can come up with. I was looking for an Areoflo and my shop can't get them. You still see some stuff online but they got lots pricier.
It's all I can come up with. I was looking for an Areoflo and my shop can't get them. You still see some stuff online but they got lots pricier.
i can't even find the repair kit either. one of my drip rings finally split in half. guess i have to find some stuff locally to DIY. crap
Really...? Like everything I read said that you need to replace the cal-mag after filtering through ro... and I read quite a lot/ videos. As for the imbalance screwing up npk- that’s all in the mixing order I was lead to believe
With GH, they arguably have plenty of cal and mg.
I have seen a lot of people run into issues with the 3 part line, having too much salts? (I'm not sure the exact issue, but its too much)
I've see great results with the Lucas formula though, (with and without calmag added)
Simple is better.
Imo go with equal parts flora micro + flora bloom + uc root and you should have great results.
A couple of points.

RO systems dont change your water hardness. Thats because they dont filter out calcium or magnesium very well at all. Water hardness is just a measure of how much dissolved calcium and magnesium is in the water. So using RO doesnt have much if any effect on whether you need to add calmag or not.

To reduce hardness, you need a softener or deionizer. The problem there is softeners add tons of sodium to the water - which your plants wont like.

As far as adding cal mag or not in hydro, I have been doing that for ever - but - I judge how much based on how the plants look. Purple stems means you need more. Nice green stems mean you dont.

As far as nutes and additives - avoid anything derived from plants or animals. Use pure salts only.