RDWC temp issues ?? Room To cold ?

Hi people, I needs some advice regarding RDWC, room/res temps.

My res is dialled in with heaters and chillers, it does not get lower then 18c 63.5f and no higher then 21c 68.4f
Here is the question does the room temp matter if the res temp is dialled in RDWC? The room in question The air temp never gets above 24c/75f but it has got as low as 15c/59f is this a problem as in nature you may get a cold night but roots are in a stable condition with stable temps ? Any experts out there??


Well-Known Member
There probably are experts out there, but I'm not one of them. I think you try to keep rez temps down, so it can hold more dissolved oxygen. This will help your roots, and keep that slime out of your reservoir. If ambient temperature falls below 15°C/60°F, you will notice slower growth.


Well-Known Member
go with ^^^

don't let your res water go upto 21°c ... Bad stuff love the warmth.....you can take your res temp down to 16° for better results .... And keep it 16°c night and day

goooood luck :)


Well-Known Member
if you take it down to 16°c keep an eye on your night temps :). They can drop to the same temp as the water ......... Gooooooood luck :).


Well-Known Member
Keep it at 62-65...if you've got a chiller,set it,forget it...if not,im not wasting my time typing out why you should,and how retarded it is to not have one...
Teateateateatea....can't stress it enough..tea..btw,did I mention TEA?


Well-Known Member
Keep it at 62-65...if you've got a chiller,set it,forget it...if not,im not wasting my time typing out why you should,and how retarded it is to not have one...
Teateateateatea....can't stress it enough..tea..btw,did I mention TEA?
what's TEA ?