Rdwc water change questions!

thank you so much!!!! That’s a great idea!!
No problem! I had the same question when I started DWC and it's a life saver. There's times when there will be a really thin line of water at the bottom of the rez/bucket but I usually just grab a towel and soak it up if I need all water out.
I have a valved tapping on the piping with a barbed connection. See picture below. I also have a shop vac to get out residuals. I recently raised my sites using cinder blocks and will eventually add drains to the bottom that run back to the control bucket that you see in the picture. I barely use that tapping anymore. Raising the sites is great since it keeps the water level in the control bucket higher which makes it so I have to top up less.
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I just hooked my 3/4" returns line from my pump to my rez to a Y spigot. I can turn on the circulation, and the water flows through the system, or I can open the valve side to the hose and the recirculation pump, pumps the water up the hose, and down my washer drain I attached a pvc Y to
Here's one way you can run it. Pressure line runs out of bottom of res and reverse fills buckets to prevent roots from Screenshot_20201215-231207_Gallery.jpgreceived_306343363995373.jpegreceived_232226341669821.jpegclogging pipes. Natural drain in top tube. And use same pump to pump out using garden hose to bathtub. The res plumbing setup is to naturally drain buckets around the exit drain with the garden hose hookup.