Yeah seriously!!lol its like waiting for christmas morning i bet, sometimes i wanna call people and ask them to keep me from early harvesting. then i remember this shits illegal.
if candy grew on a tree, i think id call it cannabis.
Yeah seriously!!
And yeah I call people all the time to keep me from early harvest, but I just say "let's chill" or something and then I get really high I try and forget about it haha.
Oh BTW every one, for the ones that knew I had lady bugs, well my other bug poison killed my last set, and yesterday I gotta new supply! So there's so many!
I <3 Lady bugs
P.s.- m plan for this week is on Thursday, to shut my lights off and put them on the 3 day dark cycle.
You guys think my girls are ready???
Thanks man, but I can control the temps really cuz I don have ac, and I don't wanna hang ice bags behind my fan lol
Oh that's true, I might do that.
But then again I need to think of a room that has no windows and no one will go into... My closet in my room is way to small for my girls.
And other closet I have is huge, but has windows, but I'm thinking of just covering the windows so there will be no light.