Re-curing Buds


Well-Known Member
So I picked up alot of bid that wasn't cured properly. I was wondering if I can put moisture back into the bud via orange or lemon peel, jar it and let it run a normal cure cycle?


Active Member
The short answer is no. Once it reaches a certain humidity level (not sure on exact level), thinks its 40-45%, it can't continue a cure and is locked in.


Scientia Cannabis
You can moisten the weed up (rehydrate) but you cannot 'recure' it.
There is no such thing as recuring in cannabis growing.

You can use any sort of fruit peel you like, or even a moist piece of cloth or the like.

Curing takes place in very well defined relative humidity areas if you will.
65% is when curing can be started, and it will end (wether you want it to or not) @ ~55% RH.

The goal is to keep the dried weed within ~56% RH to ~65%, that is the optimum curing range, slowly bringing it down to ~55% (where curing then stops).


Active Member
To re-hydrate or keep my bud hydrated I use a humidor that was intended to keep cigars fresh. It works great. Keeps everything fresh. I got mine at was well worth the money (80 bux)