re-pot, or not..?

hi, i have a friend who was wondering, hypathetically, if say you had white widow plants a wk and a half into 12/12 just above waist height (in the pot), and you start to worry that your ten litre pots aren't big enough, is it ok to re-pot the plant or would this cause the beauties too much stress:?:....or would it be ok perhaps to leave said plant in 10 ltr pot..?

this is a hypathetical question


Active Member
a 10 litre pot should last you at the VERY least month with a white widow, more depending on its shape. My buckets are quite wide as opposed to tall so I got them in 15 litre to compensate. Essentially botanists will tell you that you need a foot of length in your pot for every foot of plant you want to grow.

But scrap that because roots don't always grow in a straight line and as your roots grow to the bottom of the pot they'll mold to the pot's shape and the plant will carry on growing up until you get root bound. How botanists got it that wrong when they work around growing plants all day is beyond me, but I've seen 4 and 5 feet plants growing in 2 foot pots, which means that you can get 2 feet of plant per foot. some people can probably get more.


Well-Known Member
good rule of thumb, when the tips of the leaves stick out over the edges of the pot, then the roots probably touch the edge of the pot. i usually wait another week or so to transplant.a 10liter pot seems mighty big enough already, and apparently, skunkushybrid01 shows that not transplanting is ok. impressive pic for sure