Re-potting while budding??


Active Member
Im a month into budding with 12/12 hps 150 watt
also using jacks blossom booster 10-30-20. it looks good but i never noticed before how sandy my soil is, i didnt use soil out of a bag, but a combination from a composter and whatever i could find out in the garden. i have good stuff now and i thought i'd go from roughly 3 gallons worth of soil to a full 5 gallons in a wider this good to do right now? im mostly concerned with how it will affect the buds growth....

thanx much


Well-Known Member

My hunch is that your plants will not benefit all that much from a transplant one month into flowering cycle.....My inclination would be to let them stay where they are so they can bud out without any unnecessary trauma!
Three gallons is fine for giant plants....


I agree, leave her as she is, unless she is dying from being rootbound. how tall are they?


Active Member
3 1/2 foot. its a really big plant, just shy of an inch thick at the base, verry bushy but nothing looks like its dying, im just trying to get the most outta my buds....besides the blossom booster im using is there anything else i could use? im going to bud for as long as possible..any limits on budding?


Yeah, once they are 70% amber or so is when you want to harvest them