re-potting worth it at this point or no?


Well-Known Member
Just feed them, water them and love them in their little pots.

Do you really want your girl, at this stage of her short life, to waste her energy growing roots or buds?

Your answer to that question is your answer.


Well-Known Member
With my CFL grows, I usually have what I refer to as a "dead period" where nothing happens with the plant. Sometimes it lasts a week, sometimes 5 weeks, then they explode into life and you start seeing stacked calyx, very much like this picture below which is taken from the attitude website of G13 Labs version of the strain Cheese.


It's more obvious to see with hybrids, at least to my eyes anyway.

ii dP ii

Hey so I've decided to just let them be. I was away for a week for work anyway so now they only have about a weekor so left until I'm gonna cut them down and make room for the next go round.