Re potting??

wondering when i should re pot have read that i should wait until i see the roots come out the drain holes is this true or should i do it before it gets there?

There both 5" and there both in 6" by 6" pots.
there both 22 days from seed.

NEXT QUESTION: Should i get rid of theses leaves theres like another node coming out of it?

the new ones even longer than the old one and it has 2 leaves and a little top should i just cut the bottom one?



Well-Known Member
Id transplant them soon. Let the dirt dry out really good and they should pull away from the sides after that.

After transplanting id top them.

They look very healthy though!
Id transplant them soon. Let the dirt dry out really good and they should pull away from the sides after that.

After transplanting id top them.

They look very healthy though!
you read my mind i should top them this young? how big of a pot should i get and do you think i should cut those bottom leaves or not?


Well-Known Member
Id just leave the leaves haha. doesnt matter either way.

And id transplant them into 1-3 gallon pots depending on your grow area and lighting. what kind of set up are you workin with?

You should transplant them then wait a few days and top them once you see them growing after transplanting.


Well-Known Member
Here's a handy tidbit of knowledge that will help the new grower -- You can follow root growth by observing the largest leaves. Notice that your plants have large leaves that extend past the pot rim. Roots grow at the same rate as the largest leaves, so you know your plants now have filled the pot with roots. If you TP now you will have another 2 weeks or so of little growth aboveground as the roots once again work to fill the pot. Until the root system is grown in you won't see growth aboveground. I'd leave them alone for a week or 2 as they are plenty bushy as is and may not need topping. Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Same as the others said... Except I like to transplant when the soil is still slightly wet so it won't get everywhere. Water it normally, wait two days and then go around the side of the outside of the pots pushing inwards while rotating. Flip her upside down with the stem in between your middle finger and ring finger and put her in her new home. Looks like you're using Happy Frog? I would suggest that in your 3 gallon pots you use ocean forest. It will provide them with more nutrients than the HF.