Re-vegging 2nd grow for 3rd grow


Active Member
So my previous grow turned out awesome, I got some nice ounces out of my GDP and Blue Rhino plants. The mothers from which those clones were taken were stolen out of my backyard a couple weeks after I had started flowering, I would have my 3rd grow up and going had that not happened. I decided against taking flowering clones, and instead re-vegged the plants as I had done with the plants from my 1st grow. So these BR clones I'm rooting are from plants grown from seed, over a year ago :D technically the plants themselves are that old. Neat.

Anyways, here's my lil clone farm setup I've got going on in my room. I've started selling clones to the club, dialing in my cloning technique/environment and such. I've got few plants that fail, most root just fine. I'm using rockwool plugs and this Gel 4 Plugs rooting gel that comes in a squeeze bottle, you inject the gel into the holes of the plugs and keep the gel from getting contaminated by dipping clones into it. Works well enough.

I one day discovered that this little cabinet part of my bedroom desk perfectly fits a tray/hood for clones. I currently have a desk light w/ a daylight CFL over them, and a seedling heat mat underneath.

This is the 2nd tray I got. It's in the half of the closet not used for the main grow. Same deal here as with the desk, the CFL is mounted to the old closet shelf right above the hood. I've got some clones I cut I think around new years that have roots poking out now.

This is where the clones go after they've rooted through the plugs. The middle 3 plants are Northen Lights seedlings, I'm going to get a mother going to take clones, I want some NL#5 for my next grow :bigjoint: The rest are clones I transplanted into the cubes on the 8th, as soon as they've rooted out of these they're ready for the club.

Finally, the main grow area. As you can tell, I'm growing short on room for them :-O I don't have enough room to take enough clones to keep it under control. I'm considering cutting them all down now that I've got clones of both strains so I can start vegging #3. I'm mainly waiting on the NL, I need to find a place to put the seedlings to become mothers but it's gettin kinda crowded in here. I may clear out the forest and put a few bubble buckets in there for them, not sure yet. Depends on how many clones I can sell through the clubs around here, if there's not so much demand for them then I'll move on. I just like thinking about the fact that a bunch of people around here are growing my plants :D

So that's what I've been up to since last grow. I really really really want to step the lights up from 400w. The ultimate plan is a perpetual grow, 6 plants in a veg room and 6 in a flower room in pairs spaced ~3 weeks apart. Harvest the oldest 2, move 2 from veg into flower, and start 2 new plants from clones. I'll be harvesting a couple plants every few weeks :D Also wanting 1k lights over both, and CO2 supplementation. I won't have time for a normal job with all the growing, harvesting, manicuring, drying and curing then :leaf:

Comments/questions welcome


Active Member
I've gotten a lil work done since last post, got my cabinet pretty much finished. Still have to hang mylar, run some more outlets around for fans and such, finish the doors etc. As for sealing it up, I used some panda film and a tarp zip, works well enough. I'm also going to make some outer doors to secure the grow. I have a fan blowing through the hood with the 1000w in there, with a separate fan to vent the room. It stays pretty consistently in the 70's in there, when it gets hotter later in the year I'll have to put my window A/C in there to keep it cool. (Yes I know it's dirty in there)

While in my closet the grow was in the 90s, which I think contributed to the root rot seen on the middle tray. I'm thinking of just trying to take clones from the NL plants because I don't have any more seeds to pop. I did, however, germ 5 Lemon Kush seeds, so those will end up being next to be grown. The seeds were germinated in a cup of water on a heat mat, the damn things were popped overnight! They've got nice little taproots sticking out, I'm excited to see how well they turn out. The tray on the right has the last clones of GDP I had taken before cutting most everything down.

The GDP is still in the closet being air layered, one branch has a couple nice fat roots sticking out of the cube. I was experimenting with the technique, the one that has roots was the one on which I made 2 cuts around the stem about 1" apart, joined them with one cut straight down between them, then peeled off the outer layer of the stem. I believe this cuts off flow of carbohydrates made by the leaves to the roots, so the carbs build up in the tissue above the wounded area helping the plant root. I'm keeping them up as long as I can to let the roots develop as much as possible. Pretty much every top of the air layered branches have been topped as well, I'm thinking of using the best as a new mother.
